China France Supplement
China France Supplement
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary
Economy Link - 經濟篇 -
France’s railway offerings accessible with a single click!
Culture Link - 文化篇 -
A Celebration of French Cinema at the Hong Kong International Film Festival
「中法建交五十週年」晚宴 伊莎貝雨蓓與一眾電影界名人盛裝出席
Celebrating 50 Years of Sino-French Relations Dinner in Honour of Isabelle Huppert
Catherine DENEUVE攜最新作品《她消失的那五天》與觀眾見面
Catherine DENEUVE, Film Legend and Star of On My Way, in Hong Kong to Meet Media and Audiences
Le French GourMay 2014 unveils finger-licking programs featured with Rhône Valley Wines and Food