Natural Security

法國Natural Security在香港亞洲智能卡展 介紹生物測定和非接觸式技術的雙重認證解決方案

Natural Security公司將於2011年3月29至31日在香港舉行的亞洲智能卡工業展中展示一種有效,系統化的認證解決方案。通過結合雙因素認證,基於生物測定和中距離非接觸式技術的識別技術,Natural Security的用戶可使用支付功能和其他不同服務,此設計無論是在近或遠距離使用,都運用了相同的人體工程學。

Natural Security方案的應用

Natural Security發展的技術可適用於所有要求身份驗證的服務。它可被使用於支付方面 (鄰近的商店和或網上商店),遙距驗證 (家中銀行和安全式支付,用戶名和密碼的處理,等等) 以及一些服務,例如出入管理控制或交通服務。

這項技術有多種功能,例如可簡化火車票,機票或戲票的收票程序。也可被用作大廈的出入管理控制 (將來或可在住宅內使用)。所有這些操作將會變得更快更容易。

近距離支付是Natural Security首個推出的應用程式。公司已開發了一種簡單,快捷和安全的支付解決方案,它在任何位置,數量下都能操作良好,用戶亦不必改變自己的付款方式或輸入密碼。Natural Security的產品可用於小型商店,超級市場或自動販賣機。

Natural Security支付方式:這是一項如何操作的技術?


Natural Security的方案旨在保護個人的數據及私隱。用戶是唯一可使用驗證功能的數據持有人。設計中並沒有集中生物數據的數據庫或追查儲存訊息的後備。

Natural Security的總裁Cédric Hozanne解釋:「付款方式將 (再次) 變得簡單和自然,這是因為它在用戶的控制之下,而且是一種直覺性的付款方式。這種獨特的方式,不論是在金額的交易或執行場所方面 (例如鄰近的商店,互聯網,自動販賣機...) ,都是十分安全的,因為其生物識別技術可令驗證變得更有效,用戶亦不必使用密碼。」




一個用於驗證,儲存數據,並保留予用戶的支持系統 (如智能卡,手機...)。中距離非接觸式技術可令用戶不用出示這些支持系統就能完成驗證過程。

此產品的技術與使用方式是相同的,無論是地點 (商店或網上) 和使用方面(付款或服務的使用)。


Natural Security的產品是因應市場需求為零售業而設:銀行、大型企業、安全交易和金融業、電子銀行業務的信用機構,等等。

迄今為止,公司的股份由以下機構擁有:Banque Accord、 BNP Paribas、 Crédit Agricole、Crédit Mutuel Arkéa、Groupe Auchuan, Ingenico及Leroy Merlin。

Natural Security to present its authentication solution at Cards’ Exhibition in Hong Kong

Natural Security of France presents a two-factor authentication solution, systematic, combining biometrics and contactless technology at mid-read range distance. By combining two-factor authentication based on biometrics and contactless technology at mid-read range distance, Natural Security enables payments and access to services, whether face to face or remotely using the same authentication method.

Practices of the Natural Security Solution

The natural security technology strength is applicable to all services that require authentication. It can be applied to payments (face to face shops and on the Internet), remotely authentication (home banking and secured payments, usernames and passwords changes ...) and services as an access control or transport.

This technology will not only make it easier to collect tickets (train, plane or theatre), but will also aid access control to premises (and tomorrow, at home). Any service that require authentication will be faster and simpler.

Face to face payment is the primary function for Natural Security. Whatever the place or the sum of the transaction natural security provides a simple, fast and secure solution, that requires neither card nor secret code, natural security will be available in small and medium retailers, large retailers and ATM’s.

How do Natural Security payments work?

First, the users go to their bank branch to record their biometric data onto the card. To carry out the transaction, the user simply places his finger on a terminal to authorize the debit. The biometric data is scanned and then transmitted to the user card in a secure, contactless method, without the card being presented or inserted in any way. The data is compared with that stored on the card, and if there is a match, the transaction is approved.

The natural security approach ensures the protection of personal and privacy data. The user is the only carrier of the information required for authentication. There is no centralized biometrics database and no way of tracing the devices on which the information is stored.

Cédric Hozanne, CEO of Natural Security explained, "payment becomes (once more) something quite simple and natural because it involves an instinctive act for the user. Whatever the sum or place of the transaction (local shops, Internet, ATM ...), this act is not only unique but secure, due to the biometric technology that enables a two-factor authentication without a secret code. "

The use of biometrics enables a two-factor authentication

The use of biometrics can avoid the use of a code that can be captured without the knowledge of the user but can be forgotten or difficult to remember.

The deliberate act of placing one’s finger on a terminal means that there is no possibility of abuse by a third part.

This technology is based on:

• A truly unique and personal “identity” for each individual. We always have it with us and cannot leave it behind. Biometric scanning provides total security for each transaction, and there is no need to enter and remember a code

• A device (smart card, mobile phone ...) which contains the data necessary for authentication and is always on the user’s person. The mid-read range contactless technology means that the transaction can be carried out without the user presenting the device.

The technology and the “fingerprint” procedure are the same wherever (retail outlet or online) and whatever (payment or access to services) the different means.

An industrial project driven by consumers needs

Natural Security stems expressed from requirements of the retail industry: banks, large businesses, transactions security specialists, and electronic banking organisations are all potential stakeholders.

The current shareholders are Banque Accord, BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, Groupe Auchan, Leroy Merlin and Ingenico.

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