The GEPPIA to gather and enhance innovations by French equipment manufacturers attending the INTERPACK 2011 tradeshow (May 12th to 15th, 2011 – Hall 6 Booth D10-13)


The GEPPIA (French Partnership for Food and non-Food Processing and Packaging Machinery) will be taking part in the INTERPACK tradeshow in Düsseldorf from May 12th to 15th, 2011. Its objective is to put forward new products as well as industrial and commercial complementarities from the French equipment manufacturers exhibiting at the tradeshow, and to provide comprehensive solutions on the market.

On the occasion of the INTERPACK 2011 tradeshow, the GEPPIA will be introducing innovations by about thirty of its members, who are all French equipment manufacturers specialised in packing and packaging. Among the new products, here are three you should make sure you do not miss:

• By CERMEX (SIDEL GROUP): VersaFilm®, a new range of shrink-wrappers without sealing bar

• By the SERAC GROUP: the Roll’n blow thermoforming machine, for the production of bottles from a basic plastic sheet

• By SLEEVER INTERNATIONAL: a sneak preview of a new machine concept and up to 35% savings on consumables.

All of the GEPPIA members’ (see the list below) new products have been gathered into a booklet especially designed for the tradeshow. This document is available and may be downloadable from the following address:

At INTERPACK, the GEPPIA is supporting about thirty French companies: APEX Automate - ARCIL (Aprium - Synerwave - Synerlink) - BERNHARDT et Cie - CDA LABELING - CERMEX (Groupe Sidel) - CETEC Industrie S.A. - CLARANOR - CLEXTRAL S.A - Ets. André ZALKIN & Cie - FARBAL Production - HEMA (Groupe Sidel) - IXAPACK - KARLVILLE Development SAS - LUCEO c/o Edixia (Groupe TIAMA) - MECAPACK S.A. (Groupe Proplast) – NEWTEC - OTOR (Groupe DS Smith) - PAKEA - PKB - REVTECH - SERAC Group (Nova) - SG2C - SLEEVER International - STERIFLOW Barriquand SAS - STOPPIL S.A. - TECHNIBAG - TECMA Pack - THIMONNIER.A. – TIFLEX SA -

The GEPPIA will be available from May 12th to 15th at booth D10-13 – Hall 6 to answer all of your questions.



1. 西德爾集團(SIDEL)塞爾梅克斯公司(CERMEX)的新型無熔接捆紮機系列。

2. 塞拉集團(SERAC GROUP)的Roll’n blow熱成型包裝機,採用該型機器,可以用簡單的塑膠紙作為原料,生產塑膠包裝瓶。

3. 施利夫國際公司(SLEEVER INTERNATIONAL)在世界上首先推出的一種新的機器概念,可節省百分之三十五的消耗材料。



• 阿佩克斯自動包裝機公司(APEX Automate)

• 阿西爾公司(ARCIL)(阿西爾公司由Aprium - Synerwave - Synerlink三家單位組成)

• 貝爾納特兄弟公司(BERNHARDT et Cie)


• 西德爾集團(SIDEL)塞爾梅克斯公司(CERMEX)

• 塞戴克工業有限公司(CETEC Industrie S.A.)

• 克拉拉諾公司(CLARANOR)

• 克萊克斯特拉有限公司(CLEXTRAL S.A)

• 艾田•安德列•紮爾金兄弟公司(Ets. André ZALKIN & Cie)

• 法爾貝生產公司(FARBAL Production)

• 西德爾集團的艾瑪公司(HEMA)

• 依克薩包裝公司(IXAPACK)

• 卡爾維爾發展有限公司(KARLVILLE Development SAS)

• 梯亞瑪集團(Groupe TIAMA)的呂塞歐-艾迪克薩公司(LUCEO c/o Edixia)

• 普羅普拉斯特集團(Groupe Proplast)梅卡包裝有限公司(MECAPACK S.A.)

• 紐戴克公司(NEWTEC)

• DS施密特集團(Groupe DS Smith)奧托爾公司(OTOR)


• PKB公司

• 利夫戴克公司(REVTECH)

• 塞拉克集團(SERAC Group)(諾瓦Nova)

• SG2C公司


• 斯戴福洛•巴厘崗公司有限公司(STERIFLOW Barriquand SAS)

• 斯托皮爾有限公司(STOPPIL S.A.)

• 戴克尼巴公司(TECHNIBAG)

• 戴克瑪包裝設備公司(TECMA Pack)

• 梯莫尼埃公司(THIMONNIER.A.)

• 梯福萊克斯責任有限公司(TIFLEX SA)


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