Ahmed Haggagovic
“Peace Ambassador of the World” - Ahmed Haggagovic
「世界和平大使」 - Ahmed Haggagovic
Ahmed Haggagovic is an Egyptian Globe Trotter, World Adventurer, Peace Activist, a Passion For Inspiring Youth all over planet Earth. Known as the Unusual Ambassador of Egypt and the Egyptian Ibn Battuta as well as Ibn Battuta of the 21st century and the Flag Raiser.
Haggagovic has traveled to 95 countries around the world so far. He is hoping to be the first human in history to travel all around the world on a mission to raise his country's flag Egyptian Flag in every country; promoting his message of "Freedom , Happiness and Peace , One World United, No Borders , No Racism " all over the Globe.
He is one of the most active Egyptians in getting the worlds' youth attention to visit Egypt to Bolster Egypt's Tourism.
He has no Political or Religious agenda for his travels; he is just after uniting all man-kind on Freedom, Happiness and Peace.
In 2012, He had finished his "Siberian Adventure" trip in Russia, as he raised the Egyptian flag in every place he pass in Russia from Moscow till the end of Siberia (in the north pole) and then he would pass across Mongolia and then cross all China till he cut his trip in Hong Kong. During his visit Hong Kong, he met the officers of the department concern of Tourism, local citizens and sightseeing the Hong Kong famous tourism spots.
Ahmed Haggagovic was born in Cairo on 7 October 1984, a professional swimmer in Heliopolis Sporting Club in Cairo, Egypt from the age of 4 years, till now.
Graduated from the Ain Shams University with a BSc in Computer Science and Information Systems.
Languages Spoken
Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.
「世界和平大使」 - Ahmed Haggagovic
一位年僅二十八歲的埃及青年,至今已訪問過全球九十多個國家和地區,不單只見過埃及總統,還拜會了埃及駐當地的大使、不少國際著名人物、總統、宗教領袖等,當今世上或許只有他一個人做到。他便是埃及的民間友誼大使Ahmed Haggagovic。
Ahmed Haggagovic ( 右) 與埃及駐香港總領事Mohamed Fahmy 合照
夢想成真 持之以恆
日前,Ahmed Haggagovic訪港接受了本刊的訪問,講述了不少其有趣的故事,包括有一次坐火車在中途站下車拍照時,列車竟然把他遺留在車站便開走了,但他的旅遊證件及財物都在列車上,讓他非常狼狽,其後在使館及當地政府幫助下才能繼續上路。這位年輕遊歷家的個人經驗認為:「一個人只要有夢想,只要堅持夢想,總有一天便會夢想成真!」他向本刊透露,當他年僅四歲時,參與一個電視現場節目,主持人問他的夢想是甚麼?他回答:「我的夢想是去日本旅行!」直至他十四歲時,出外旅行的想法再次湧現,到十五歲時實現了外遊的夢想,但首站並不是日本而是德國。外面的世界很精采,他在德國接觸到不少友善的人士,親眼目睹許多新奇事物,自此更激勵他對旅遊的愛好。其後他便展開其人生旅途的第二站 – 瑞士,第三站、第四站至今。為維持他的愛好,他於二零零七年至二零零九年其間工作賺錢作旅遊經費,暫停外遊一段時間,其後再次恢復。他每到一個地方都會帶着一面埃及國旗與當地人合照,向人們介紹埃及,並與當地人士交朋友結友誼、互相交流,所以他被人們稱為埃及的民間友誼大使。個多月前,他與埃及總統會面時,當面反映埃及是一個很好的國家,應要設立一個良好的旅遊局促進旅遊、推廣旅遊,而總統也同意他的提議。
最新夢想 冀能成真
埃及著名遊歷家Ahmed Haggagovic
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