British Airways

贏取英國航空頭等機票 達成倫敦夢想之旅

You could win a Dream Trip to London flying First Class on British Airways

英國航空公司亞太區區域總經理Jamie Cassidy(右一)及英國航空公司東亞區總經理麥英翔(Kevin McQuillan)(右二)與兩位英國航空空中服務員一同展示英國航空投資1億英鎊全新打造的頭等客位。

英國航空公司為慶祝服務香港75 年,特別安排從英國運送全新頭等客位到港首度亮相,同時推出一項專為香港居民而設的比賽,得奬的幸運兒將可贏取頭等機票及住宿,在四月出發前往倫敦,享受夢寐以求的豪華旅程。

幸運兒可邀請一位旅伴同行,於2011年4月27日(星期三)一起乘坐英國航空頭等客位前往倫敦,並將可親身感受當地為慶祝4 月29日(星期五)舉行的皇室婚禮洋溢的興奮及熱鬧氣氛。

英國航空公司東亞區總經理麥英翔 (Kevin McQuillan) 表示︰「我們很高興宣佈這項為慶祝英國航空來往香港及倫敦75周年而舉行的比賽。幸運兒將有機會享受英國航空頭等客位所帶來無以尚之的飛行體驗,並在倫敦其中一家頂級酒店感受城中美好的時光,以及可能有機會一睹皇家婚禮的盛況,肯定是英國今年最令人興奮的週末。」

這次夢想之旅,包括入住3 晚倫敦朗廷酒店豪華套房。倫敦朗廷酒店為全歐洲首間星級酒店,於1865年開幕,處於倫敦西區,位置優越,鄰近舉世知名、名店芸集的購物大道麗晶街。幸運兒更可於閃爍瑰麗的Palm Court尊享「皇家下午茶」,是酒店專為慶祝威廉王子與皇妃的大婚之喜而特別設計。

在這個愉快的周末假期,幸運兒可盡情品嘗美食、享受購物樂、感受濃厚的文化色彩及欣賞這個全球最佳城市之一的美景,然後於5月1日 (星期日) 乘坐英國航空頭等客位返港,享受豪華體驗,為倫敦夢想之旅劃上完美句號。

專誠為75週年慶祝活動親臨香港的英國航空公司亞太區區域總經理Jamie Cassidy表示︰「75週年紀念是一個重要的里程碑,標誌着來往香港及倫敦這條航線對英國航空的重要性。自1936 年開始,我們與香港一直並肩向前,發展兩地的貿易往來及建立緊密關係,能夠在多年來與這個充滿動力的城市有如此緊密的聯繫,我們引以自豪。」

英國航空75 年週年倫敦夢想之旅比賽將於2011年3月18日(星期五)早上9點正式開始,大家只要登入www.winba75.com即可參加比賽。為期三星期的比賽將於2011年4月8日(星期五)晚上11時59分截止。

於同日慶祝75周年活動上,Jamie Cassidy亦為英國航空投資1億英鎊全新打造的頭等客位揭幕。Jamie Cassidy表示︰「全新推出的頭等客位融合典雅設計及優雅低調的風格,為尊貴旅客打造更完美的頭等體驗,並充分體現我們對全球至尊旅遊的服務承諾及信心。」


At an event to celebrate the 75th anniversary of flying London to Hong Kong, British Airways unveiled their new First class seat to the Hong Kong market and launched a competition for residents offering a grand prize of a First class trip to London, during the Royal Wedding Weekend this April.The lucky winner, and their chosen companion, will enjoy flying First class on British Airways to London on Wednesday 27 April 2011, just in time to experience all the excitement of the Royal Wedding on Friday 29 April 2011.

“We are delighted to announce this competition to celebrate 75 years of flying between London and Hong Kong. The winner will be lucky enough to experience British Airways’ First class, enjoy springtime in the city staying in one of London’s top hotels, and possibly catch a glimpse of the Royal Bride. It will undoubtedly be one of Britain’s most exciting weekend this year,” said Kevin McQuillan, British Airways Regional General Manager, East Asia.

The dream trip includes staying in a Grand Junior Suite for three nights in Europe's first “Grand Hotel”. The Langham, London opened in 1865. Located in the heart of the West End, The Langham has one of London's most enviable addresses commanding a position at the top of the elegant and sweeping boulevard of Regent Street, one of the finest shopping streets in the world. The guests will also be able to enjoy Tea Royale in the dazzling Palm Court, a celebratory afternoon tea to commemorate the Royal Wedding of HRH Prince William to Kate Middleton.

After enjoying a long weekend of dining, shopping and culture, taking in the sights of one of the best cities in the world, the winners will fly home to Hong Kong in First class luxury on Sunday 1 May 2011.

Visiting Hong Kong this week for the 75th anniversary celebrations, Jamie Cassidy, British Airways Area General Manager, Asia and the Pacific, said, “This milestone anniversary recognises the importance of this route for British Airways. We have worked together with Hong Kong, growing businesses and building relationships since 1936, and we are proud to be connected to such an incredibly energetic city.”

The competition launches at 9 a.m. on Friday 18 March 2011 on, and is open for three weeks until Friday 8 April 2011, when it will close at 11:59 p.m.

Jamie Cassidy also unveiled the new First seat at the event to celebrate the 75th anniversary. “The new First will create an exclusive experience based on classic design and understated luxury. It echoes our commitment and confidence in global premium travel,” he commented. The airline has just invested £100 million in its new First class cabin.

British Airways is pleased to continue the tradition of flying between Hong Kong and London in its 75th anniversary year, and remains committed to providing superior service to leisure, business and luxury customers travelling between Europe and Asia.

To see more and enter this exciting competition please visit:

Mr. Jamie Cassidy, British Airways Area General Manager, Asia and the Pacific (centre left), and Mr. Kevin McQuillan, British Airways Regional General Manager, East Asia, (centre right), celebrate the 75th Anniversary of flying from London to Hong Kong by launching an online competition to win a First class trip to London over the Royal Wedding weekend. The executives are joined by models and British Airways’ cabin crew wearing British Airways’ uniforms through the ages, 1940 to 2011.

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