SIAL China 2011 更上一層樓

就GDP總量而言,中國已經取代日本,成為世界第二大經濟體。而中國也是世界第二大食品與飲料消費國。相對於國內生產總值,SIAL 預計中國將在不久的將來輕而易舉地坐上食品和飲料消費市場的第一把交椅。


想要成為世界第一,光靠幾個領導者沖鋒陷陣遠遠不夠。少年強則國強,一個國家的未來應該掌握在年青一代的手中。SIAL China 也把眼光放向未來,致力於在亞洲青年一代中的普及流行。

在去年取得極大的成功和廣受好評後,埃斯科菲(中國)西餐廚師聯誼會(Disciple Escoffier)今年再次作為SIAL China 的合作夥伴,聯合麥德龍,法國食品協會等眾多贊助商,將重燃戰火,舉辦第三屆埃斯科菲亞洲青年希望廚師大賽並得到贊助商「San Pellegrino water, Sweetpearl Sugar」的鼎力支持。二零一零年的冠軍,韓國廚師Jong-Hee PARK 今年除了將再戰來自中國、香港、澳門、韓國、泰國、新加坡的其他6 位優秀選手外,還將接受兩名來自越南和菲律賓新加入的年輕選手(20 – 25歲)的挑戰,力爭衛冕!


亞洲青年希望廚師大賽將在展會的烹飪趨勢展示區舉行。通過和埃斯科菲的合作,該展示區也將成為烹飪演示區域。二零一零年,烹飪趨勢展示區取得巨大成功,吸引了超過30%原本主要關注酒店餐飲區的專業觀眾。許多飯店酒店業的專家也紛紛到展演現場來找尋靈感。在迎來烹飪趨勢展示區4 周年之際,國內外頂尖水准的廚師們將在現場調制創新精美的獨門秘方來激發遊客的味蕾!高水準的烹飪展演如茶藝烹飪、花香烹飪、分子美食學、墨西哥烹飪、享怡甜烹飪、有機烹飪等等將貫穿整個為期3 天的展會。

LA Cuisine - 「SIAL 廚房」將帶給大家全新的烹飪理念。特別對於餐廳、酒店業的來賓,將會是一個原創互動的烹飪體檢。當然通過來自中國大陸、法國、中國香港、中國澳門、泰國、越南、新加坡及歐洲其他國家國際化水准現場烹飪展演,烹飪趨勢展示區也將給展商們提供向酒店餐飲業專家以及買家們促銷產品的一個絕佳平台。而贊助商們更將有機會受到「特別款待」,與酒店餐飲業主直接面談。


SIAL China 不僅在亞洲專業食品及飲料業處於領軍地位,而且SIAL China2011 也將打破現有的國際展商數量的新紀錄。在新晉加入南非、馬來西亞、越南、伊朗、突尼斯、荷蘭等相關行業的展商後,SIAL China 將會向人們展示各地區最好的食品與飲料相關產品。3 天接待超過35, 000 名專業觀眾的一項展會新紀錄即將誕生。

作為出口商必到的展會,SIAL China 不僅是中國最大的食品和飲料博覽會,也是全球首選的食品飲料行業會面場所。在即將到來的仲夏5 月,期待您的加入!


SIAL China 2011 To Be No. 1

China has officially surpassed Japan as the world’s second largest economy. The nation is also standing at second for Food & Beverage market consumption. SIAL predicts that China’s F&B market consumption will easily take over the number one spot in the coming years.

Asian Young Hope Chef Contest will Crown the No.1 Young Chef in Asia

It certainly takes more than a great leader to make it to the top. A country’s future is often said to be in the hands of young generation. SIAL China contributes its popularity to benefit young society and hospitality industry in Asia.

Following the tremendous success and support received last year, Disciples Escoffier, in partnership with SIAL China are proud to organize the 3rd edition of Asian Young Hope Chef Contest. This year numerous sponsors have already confirmed their support (San Pellegrino Water, Sweetpearl Sugar, Canadian beef...). SIAL China will also welcome coffee and coffee machine sponsors, wine top glasses, and other renowned international brands to support this meaningful contest. This year, 2 more challengers between 20 to 25 years old from Vietnam and Philippines are going to compete for the No.1 spot with top young chefs from Korea, Mainland China, HK China, Macau, Thailand and Singapore.

Cooking Trends Area to Attract 1st Class Hospitality Experts

Asian Young Hope Chef Contest will be held inside the Event ‘La Cuisine by SIAL -Cooking Trends Area’. In partnership with Disciples Escoffier, this area will be dedicated to high-level culinary demonstrations. It was a huge success in 2010 attracting more than 50% visitors originated from China’s large Hotel-Restaurants-Catering service (HoReCa) sector. Many of Asian professionals of the restaurants and hotels industries look for inspiration and innovations in this special area. For its 4th edition, International and Chinese Chefs will concoct innovative and prestigious recipes to arouse visitors' taste buds!

‘La Cuisine/The Kitchen by SIAL’ is a brand new creation to offer original and interactive culinary experiences to all HoReCa visitors. The Cooking Trends Area also gives exhibitors a chance to promote their products to HoReCa professionals and buyers during cooking demonstrations held with the best art-way by international chefs from Mainland China, France, Hong Kong China, Macau China, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore and other countries in Europe. Sponsors will be also given the opportunities to exhibit in the “Hospitality Village”. It is the no.1 spot in China to meet HoReCa visitors.

New Records

Besides SIAL China’s leading position for the professional Food & Beverage & Hospitality industries in Asia, the Edition 2011 will present a record number of international exhibitors. With new countries joining from Malaysia, Vietnam, Iran, Tunisia, Australia, Morocco and Netherlands, SIAL China will present the best for each region. A record number of 35,000+ professional visitors are expected to join the 3-days event.

Where there is a will, there is success. Exhibitors and Visitors in SIAL China have strong wills and high interest to exchange the exhibited products with the world. This show will be the gateway to China’s enormous potential market. And your guidebook to discover the latest Chinese and Worldwide trends.

SIAL China is your biggest professional food & beverage exhibition in China and the no.1 meeting place for the global F&B industry in May 2011!

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