Financial performance and optimism is waning for European companies in China

Financial performance and optimism is waning for European companies in China, but growth opportunities through reform are identified

Pressures from increasingly challenging market and economic conditions in China, which are exacerbated by a regulatory environment that continues to be demanding and at times discriminatory, have led to a clear downturn in profitability and revenue growth for European companies. While the outlook on profitability has declined to an all-time low, reforms to promote greater rule of law and fairer competition are clearly identified as major potential drivers to stimulate Chinese economic performance in the future. However, companies remain unsure as to whether China’s leaders have the appetite to seriously address these necessary economic reforms, according to the Business Confidence Survey 2013 released today by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.

As China’s economy loses some of its steam and its marketplace matures, European companies in China have started to feel a pinch to their bottom lines. The number of EU companies reporting revenue growth shrank to just 62% and those noting profitability growth decreased to 44%, leaving only 64% of European companies in China profitable. The most notable factor negatively affecting net profit margins is rising labour costs, but slower economic growth in both China and Europe, as well as increased competition, also had notable affects. These market dynamics that affect all players in the Chinese marketplace are aggravated by a discriminatory regulatory environment for European companies. Market access is the key concern. Approximately half of European companies noted missed business opportunities due to market access and regulatory concerns, thus challenging the government’s assertion that China has a level playing field.

Despite these serious challenges, China remains a pillar for global revenue generation. Approximately half of European companies note that China now accounts for more than 10% of their global revenues; and, while optimism on growth has decreased, 71% of companies are still optimistic about growth prospects. China is therefore perceived as increasingly important in companies’ global strategies. European companies are committed to serving the Chinese market and 86% are planning further investments to build upon current capabilities and maintain an edge over local competition. Most companies also perceive a number of opportunities for China’s new leadership to further stimulate Chinese economic growth through reforms. Most notable amongst these is the promotion of greater rule of law, which was identified by over three-quarters of European companies as being a potential significant driver of China’s economic performance in the coming years.

Davide Cucino, President of the European Chamber commented, “It is interesting that half of our companies are unsure as to whether the necessary and long-called-for economic reforms will be made. Despite increasing rhetoric from senior Chinese leaders that efforts will be undertaken to transform and level the regulatory environment through allowing greater play to market forces, European companies have so far perceived few concrete changes. Financial performance is worsening and optimism about profitability is at its lowest ebb. Meaningful changes need to be swiftly implemented to mitigate cost escalations through productivity increases, unlock market opportunities and to establish an efficient and well-functioning business environment that has equal competition at its core.”

Charles-Edouard Bouee, President of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Asia, said, “Local players are continuing to improve in areas where foreign enterprises have long held dominance and this competitive landscape will only get tougher. European companies are reacting by expanding operations and geographical reach to achieve greater economies of scale and by strengthening in areas where they already hold advantages in order to maintain an edge over local competition. The major factor negatively impacting profit margins is a rise in labour costs. In addition, companies regard the talent shortage as the primary HR challenge, with high expectations from local talent in terms of pay and benefits further impacting the outlook. These factors represent significant risks to the competitiveness of the Chinese market that can only be countered if productivity growth can keep pace with wage increases.”

The European Chamber Business Confidence Survey 2013 is again produced in partnership with Roland Berger Strategy Consultants and was compiled with the input from over 550 European companies operating in China.

Source: European Union Chamber of Commerce in China

財務表現欠佳 歐洲企業情緒走低但仍對改革充滿期待




中國歐盟商會主席大衛(Mr. Davide Cucino)表示:「值得注意的是,對於那些十分必要、且呼籲已久的經濟改革是否會實行,我們半數的企業並不肯定。儘管中國的領導人已多次表示將致力改革、促進更加平等的監管環境,迄今為止,歐洲企業所看到的實質改變卻很少。企業的財務表現每況愈下,對於盈利的信心也屢創新低。應儘快做出切實有益的改變,促進生產力發展以緩和攀升的成本給利潤率造成的負面影響,釋放更多的市場機會,並建立起一個以公平競爭為核心的高效、健全的商業環境。」

羅蘭貝格管理諮詢公司亞洲區總裁常博逸(Mr. Charles-EdouardBouee)表示:「對於那些長期由外國企業相對佔主導地位的領域,國內企業正在持續提高他們的競爭力,而這一競爭態勢今後只會變得更加激烈。作為應對,歐洲企業正力圖擴展業務範圍以及地緣上的拓展,以達到更大規模,同時通過進一步加強自身優勢領域,以求在與本土企業競爭中保有一定優勢。給利潤率帶來最大負面影響的,是人力成本的攀升。此外,企業已將人才短缺視為最主要的人力資源挑戰,而國內人才市場對薪金及福利的高期望進一步加劇了挑戰。這些因素給中國市場的競爭力帶來重大風險,而這一風險,只有在生產率增長與工資水準增長二者同步時,才能被規避。」



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