Mode Lingerie

The Best Meets The Best – Interfilière Hong Kong - Mode Lingerie

「香港國際時尚內衣泳裝展 - 原材料 - 貼牌生產」 一個充滿商機、百分百專業的內衣業界盛會

Opening Ceremony: Eye-dotting ceremony (From left to right): Ms. Winnie Yu-Associate Professor of the Institute of Textiles and Clothing of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Mr. Kenneth Wong-Chairman of the Hong Kong Intimate Apparel Industries’ Association, Ms. Marie-Laure Bellon-Homps-CEO of Eurovet, Ms. Marie-Dominique de Fondaummiere- representative of Eurovet

Organized by Eurovet, the world’s leading lingerie and beachwear trade show organizer and supported by the Hong Kong Intimate Apparel Industries’ Association (HKIAIA), the fifth Interfilière Hong Kong – Mode Lingerie which was held from March 30-31, 2011 for two days at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, ended with successful and promising results.

The fifth Interfilière Hong Kong – Mode Lingerie provided the best sourcing worldwide platform for professionals specialize in different lingerie aspects with the highest quality. This year there were 39% of supplier showcasing fabrics, 26% accessories, 17% laces and 10% embroideries for lingerie and beachwear. There were 170 international exhibitors participating in this largest lingerie show in the industry in Hong Kong. Among these 170 exhibitors, 31% came from Hong Kong, 29% from China, 21% from Asia and 19% from all around the world.

The Interfilière Hong Kong – Mode Lingerie, the leading sourcing platform for intimates and beachwear, aimed at gathering the leaders and international players of this industry. Over 3,500 attendees made this show a not to be missed event with 80% visitors from Asia. Among these 80% of Asian visitors, Taiwan had recorded an increase. Despite the catastrophic earthquake, Japan had also shown an increase in visitors.

The attendance of the intimate apparel industry was of the best quality with more than 50% of the attendees who were CEOs, heads of purchasing or buying department as well as designers. Representatives from major intimate apparel groups and brands had participated to the event: Abercrombie & Fitch, Ace Style Intimate Apparel, American Eagle Outfitters, Bogart Lingerie, Chantal Thomass, Chatasia, Charmante, Crystal Martin, Despier Vietnam, Easy Shop, Embry, Esoniee, Hanes, Hop Lun, JC Penny, Kiabi, La Senza, Lane Bryant, Lindex, Marks & Spencer, Mast, Milavista JSC, Pacific Brands, Simone Perele, Spanx, Sweneo, Wacoal, Top Form Brassiere, Triumph, Vanity Fair, Victoria’s Secret, Wonderful Entreprises and many more. It was proven that not only was this show a major international sourcing event for visitors, but it had also offered an excellent opportunity for exhibitors and visitors for networking where they could look for news clients and identify prosperous markets. Coming to this trade fair is the only way of seeing that many quality suppliers at once which is completely impossible otherwise.

Trade Show

The top ten visiting countries were: Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Thailand, the United States of America, France, Japan, Indonesia and the United Kingdom. With loyal visitors coming from around the world, Eurovet had adopted a valid and successful strategy in organizing this exhibition in Hong Kong, which is definitely the place to be to source for intimate apparel.

An extensive program of seminars and conferences was organized by Eurovet to provide participants in-depth market updates and latest news for Spring Summer 2012. A trend forecast seminar for Autumn/Winter 2012-2013 (by invitation only) was presented to VIPs at which the upcoming lingerie trends was unveiled for selected buyers and exhibitors. This year, the show introduced the Forum Live at which guests and exhibitors were invited to discuss hot topics of the lingerie market such as shapewear evolution, new lace generation, compression and well-being etc, in a relaxing and cozy environment. Participants were very reactive and involved in these discussions. The two sessions were full house and received high praise from the participants as the forum provided new angle of information on their industry.

The “Mad Women” project collaborated with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and leading fabric and garment makers was presented in the trade show

Inspired by the award-winning American dramatic television series “Mad Men”, Interfilière Hong Kong – Mode Lingerie had collaborated with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and leading fabric and garment makers (Ace Style, Bischoff, Bogart, Boseli, Brunet, Chanty, Embryform, Eurojersey, Illua, Macpi, Made by Niki, Tianhai, Triumph) to design and create lingerie pieces adopting the theme of “Mad Women”. “The Spirit of Mad Women” are voluptuous and confident, they tempt with their allure. Lingerie designs with this theme are not the fiddly vintage domination, but they are inclined more to the haute couture in the 20’s and 30's, illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley and Gruau. The mood is decorative as well as sensual. “The Spirit of Mad Women” project aimed at enhancing the creativity and innovation of the participants. These prototypes were original and luxuriously seductive creations featuring the lingerie craftsmanship and new materials, and they also demonstrated the participants’ understanding of designing underwear for the female body by transforming their innovative ideas into beautiful lingerie. The lingerie collection of this project was featured at the Trends Forum during the two-day event and was presented by models at the VIP cocktail on March 30.

With the phenomenal success of the fifth The Interfilière Hong Kong – Mode Lingerie, the lingerie and beachwear industry will thrill again at Mode City ( and Interfiliere ( in Paris from July 9-11 as well as Shanghai Mode Lingerie & Interfilière Shanghai ( from October 18-19 for highly specialized, selective and comprehensive sourcing platforms with participation of leading international and Asian lingerie and beachwear brands.

Program of seminar and conference was organized during the show: The Shapewear market in China: A Changing Category


由法國歐羅維特展覽公司舉辦,並獲香港內衣業聯會全力支持的一年一度內衣業界盛事 —— 「第五屆香港國際時尚內衣泳裝展-原材料-貼牌生產」 (Interfilière Hong Kong – Mode Lingerie) 已於三月卅日及卅一日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,並取得空前成功。



本屆的優質訪客中,超過一半是來自業界不同範疇的高層人員,行政總裁、採購部主管及買家、設計師等。主要的內衣集團及品牌均派代表出席本屆展覽,包括Abercrombie & Fitch、Ace Style Intimate Apparel、American Eagle Outfitters、Bogart Lingerie、Chantal Thomass、Chatasia、Charmante、Crystal Martin、,Despier Vietnam、Easy Shop、Embry、Esoniee、Hanes、Hop Lun、JC Penny、Kiabi、La Senza、Lane Bryant、Lindex、 Marks & Spencer、Mast、Milavista JSC、Pacific Brands、Simone Perele、Spanx、Sweneo、 Wacoal、Top Form Brassiere、Triumph、Vanity Fair、Victoria’s Secret、Wonderful Entreprises等等,足以證明「香港國際時尚內衣泳裝展-原材料-貼牌生產」深得業界人士歡迎, 除了為全球的內衣專才提供一流的採購平台,亦提供了極佳的機會,讓參展商和訪客透過兩日的展覽,互相建立關係網路,同時尋找新的客源,開拓新市場。唯有在這個展覽,訪客才可以一次過與這麼多高質素的供應商見面,洽談合作機會,找尋商機。



場內展出一系列與香港理工大學及領先的纖維及成衣製造商合作,以Mad Women為題的內衣設計

大會在內衣展期間更特別舉辦了多場業內行情研討會及講座,讓參展商及買家等業內人士掌握二零一二年春夏季的最新消息,以保持敏銳的市場觸覺。其中二零一二至二零一三年「潮流趨勢預測」講座 (僅接待受邀請人士) 特別為精選的買家及參展商介紹內衣的流行趨勢。今年「香港國際時尚內衣泳裝展-原材料-貼牌生產」亦首次舉辦了「Forum Live」,邀請嘉賓及參展商出席,在一個輕鬆、舒適的環境下,對內衣界一些熱門話題,如塑身內衣的革命、全新蕾絲世代、壓抑與舒適等展開討論。參加者反應熱烈,紛紛踴躍發言,從全新角度討論業界的熱門話題。兩場「Forum Live」都座無虛席,會後參加者均一致對「Forum Live」給予高度評價。

今年「香港國際時尚內衣泳裝展-原材料-貼牌生產」與香港理工大學及領先的纖維及成衣製造商(Ace Style, Bischoff, Bogart, Boseli, Brunet, Chanty, Embryform, Eurojersey, Iluna, Macpi, Made by Niki, Tianhai, Triumph)合作,以得獎的美國電視連續劇Mad Men為靈感,展出了一系列以The Spirit of Mad Women為題的內衣設計,突出五、六十年代時裝潮流——高聳的胸部和纖細的腰肢。Mad Women是性感且充滿自信的,混身散發魅力與神秘感。以此為主題的內衣設計並非以精細的復古剪裁為主,反而傾向於二、三十年代的高級時裝,Aubrey Beardsley及Gruau的插圖,氛圍着重裝飾性及感官上的愉悅。The Spirit of Mad Women這項合作主要為提昇參加單位的創意及革新。展出的內衣全為原創型作品,設計奢華誘惑,顯出參加者的精湛工藝,同時展示了如何運用全新物料,將創新意念轉化成為誘人的內衣設計。


第五屆香港國際時尚內衣泳裝展-原材料-貼牌生產」(Interfilière Hong Kong – Mode Lingerie)取得圓滿成功,全賴業內人士支持。本年度內衣界盛事還包括七月九至十一日的巴黎「Mode City」(和「Interfilière」(,及十月十八至十九日的「亞洲國際內衣泳裝原材料品牌加工展及上海國際時尚內衣展」(。屆時,內衣業界專才,如一眾國際知名的內衣品牌、由主辦單位精心挑選的參展商將再次齊集兩地,與大家見面,共襄盛舉!


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