HOFEX 2011
The Ever Largest HOFEX Open
亞洲區最大型餐飲商貿展HOFEX 2011隆重揭幕
“At HOFEX, you can see how rosy the economy in Asia-pacific region creates positive impacts on food, beverage and hospitality industry, HOFEX received overwhelming support from the industry, we have 26,537 buyers pre-registered with us throughout the last 2 months while 26% of them are from overseas. With no doubt, in the next 4 days, HOFEX definitely will generate numerous business opportunities and transactions for industry practitioners,” Mr Daniel Cheung, General Manager of the event organizer, Hong Kong Exhibition Services Ltd, said in the opening ceremony of The 14th International Exhibition of Food & Drink, Hotel, Restaurant & Foodservice Equipment, Supplies & Services.
“Riding on the pass success, HOFEX become the most valuable multifunctional trading platform for industry practitioners. This year, we received tremendous responses from 1,800 premium international exhibiting companies from 48 countries including 44 official national groups. To cater for their needs, we employed an exhibition space with 22.7% bigger than last edition, adding up to 48,000 m2,” Mr Cheung introduced. “Apart from showcasing a broad range of products for the food & beverage and hospitality industries, like previous edition, we are glad to recall our signature events to further enriching visitors’ experience.”
“As the largest food, beverage and hospitality trade exhibitions in Asia, HOFEX always goes beyond as a pure business tradeshow and offer visitors a series of inspiring, educational and challenging events for industry sectors to further explore business opportunity and exchange information. It has become a dynamic platform for quality sourcing, premium trading and business networking. I believe that every exhibiting company and buyers can seize this good opportunity of HOFEX 2011 to lay a solid foundation of your future development,” Mr Cheung added.
Officially open on 11th May,2011, HOFEX 2011 will be staged from 11-14 May 2011 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (HKCEC) in Hall 1A-E, 3B-E and 3F -G. It is expected that more than 35,000 global professional buyers will attend this biennially mega event.
The organiser was honoured to have Mr. Henry TANG, GBM, GBS, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong SAR Government, as the Guest-of-Honour of the Opening Ceremony. Accompanying VIPs include Mr. JIA Wanzhi, Vice-Governor of People’s Government of Shandong Province, Mr. James TIEN Pei-chun, GBS, OBE, JP, Chairman of Hong Kong Tourism Board, together with Mr. Felix BIEGER, Chairman of Hong Kong Hotels Association.
Besides, the organiser is co-organising various competitions and conference for business networking:
【Hong Kong International Culinary Classic (HKICC)】One of the only five culinary competitions endorsed to International level by WACS - World Association of Chefs Societies. Co-organised by the Hong Kong Chefs Associations (HKCA), HKICC 2011 aims at promoting culinary excellence, skills and abilities of Chefs, Cooks, Pastry Chefs/Cooks and Apprentices. A new category is introduced, named the Dream Team Challenge, which aims to create a complete F&B experience.
【Allworld Open Cup - Creative Classic & Bartending Flair】Hong Kong Exhibition Services Ltd. is co-organising the Flair with Hong Kong Bartenders Association again to provide a platform for talented bartenders from around the world to depict their skills.
【Hong Kong International Wine Challenge 2011】Co-organising with the Hong Kong Sommelier Association, HKIWC 2011 returns not only to enrich the wine and Chinese food pairing but also open a contest for organic/biodynamic wines for the first time in Hong Kong.
【Grand Barista Championship @ HOFEX】Top 8 baristas for a final showdown on May 13 to present the 2011 Hong Kong Grand Barista. The judging panel will assess the barista's serving for Taste, Beverage presentation, technique, personal presentation, cleanliness, efficiency and productivity.
【Asian Hospitality Technology Education Conference】Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTPR) launches Asian Hospitality Technology Education Conference (AHTEC@HOFEX) which will attract approximately 150 senior decision-makers from hotels, resorts, clubs and other hospitality-related businesses.
【Regional Hotel General Managers Forum】 Co-organised by the Hong Kong Hotels Association, the Forum is deemed to attract GMs and VPs from leading hotels across Asia. The forum is designed for hotel GMs and industry VIPs to unravel innovative management concepts, industry trends and developments as well as solutions to cope with future challenges.
【Asian Club Management Conference】Asian Club Management Conference brings together prominent international speakers including Markus Shaw, Claire Nouvian, Christine Loh and Philippe Grelon to provide illumination and inspiration on sustainable and waste management solutions to 150 General Managers in the hospitality industry from all over Asia.
【National Wine Day】Co-organised by trade commissions of leading wine-making countries, this cultural-exchange platform is designed for country representatives to network and celebrates the nation's treasure with enthusiasts and industry players from around the regions.
「受惠於亞太地區蓬勃的經濟現狀,區內酒店、餐廳及餐飲服務業經歷快速增長,參展商及預先登記買家反應非常理想,單是過去兩個月,HOFEX 已經吸引超過26,537 名來自世界各地的專業買家進行預先登記,其中有26%是來自海外的買家。可以預期展覽期間,來自世界各地的專業買家會穿梭於11 個展廳,場內場外都會彌漫着熾熱的營商氣氛, 締造可觀的交易和無限商機。」HOFEX 2011 主辦機構、香港展覽服務有限公司總經理張偉雄先生出席『第十四屆亞洲國際食品及飲料、酒店、餐廳及餐飲設備、供應及服務展覽會』開幕典禮時說。
張偉雄先生表示,「憑藉多年來的努力經營和打造, HOFEX 已經成為業內最有價值的多功能交易平臺。今年HOFEX 再次取得驕人成績,吸引來自48 個國家及地區、逾1,800 家參展商,包括44 個國家參展團參與。在殷切的市場需求下,今屆的會場面積創下歷屆之冠,總面積達48,000 平方米,較上屆增加22.7%。一如以往,我們為HOFEX 2011 精心策劃了一系列精彩的比賽及標誌性活動與HOFEX 2011 同期在展覽館內舉行,為參觀人士締造刺激、難忘的精彩經驗。」
張偉雄先生續說: 「HOFEX 作為亞洲區內規模最大的食品餐飲及設備展覽,本着『增值、啟發、挑戰』的宗旨,多年來不斷引領著業界人士瞭解不同的市場訊息,建立商貿網路,發掘新的商機,致力打造為最多采多姿及最有效益的展覽會。相信參展商及買家會把握HOFEX 2011 提供的優質商貿平台,洽談貿易、交流資訊,廣拓商脈,為未來的業務發展打造良好基礎。」
一連四日HOFEX 2011 假香港會議展覽中心1A-E,3B-E 以及3F-G 展廳舉行,五月十一日正式隆重揭幕, 展期直至五月十四日。預計今年總入場人數會打破上屆的數目,吸引超過35,000 名來自世界各地的優質買家及業界人士蒞臨參觀這個兩年一度的大型國際展覽會。
出席HOFEX 2011 開幕典禮的主禮嘉賓包括香港特別行政區政務司司長唐英年太平紳士,GBM, GBS,聯同山東省副省長賈萬志先生、香港旅遊發展局主席田北俊太平紳士,GMS,OBE、以及香港酒店業協會主席畢腓力先生,一同主持開幕儀式。
【香港國際美食大獎】今年的賽事首次獲得世界廚師協會 (WACS - World Association of Chefs Societies) 認可,為世界五大國際賽事的其中之一,並且邀得認可的國際級評判出任大賽評審團,以世界廚師協會所訂定的規則為依據,旨在提高亞太區內廚師、餅師及青年廚師的烹飪水準、技能和才華。今年更特別增設《夢幻團隊挑戰賽》,由廚師、侍應和調酒師組成的專業隊伍,共創精彩飲食競賽。
【全球調酒師公開賽】由香港調酒師專業協會協辦的全球調酒師公開賽將於HOFEX 2011 再次舉行。到時,來自世界各地的調酒精英將再聚香江,互相交流、切磋及展示其精湛的調酒技術。
【GBC咖啡師大賽@HOFEX】 8 位入選決賽的咖啡師將於五月十三日在GBC 咖啡師大賽@HOFEX一決高下。本地和海外的咖啡店老闆及咖啡烘焙師等將從參賽者作品中的味道、賣相、技巧、個人演示、清潔度、效率和生產力等各項,評估咖啡師的功架。
【亞洲酒店及款待服務科技會議】Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTPR)首次舉辦「亞洲酒店及款待服務科技會議」。預計將吸引約 150 名來自會所、酒店、度假村及其他酒店及餐飲服務業
【亞洲會所管理會議】今年會議主題為「可持續發展及廢物管理 - 酒店款待業的責任與影響」,邀請到國際級講師如Markus Shaw、Claire Nouvian、Christine Loh 及Philippe Grelon 等與超過150 位會人士分享及探討有關議題及啟發創新綠色管理方案。
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