悉尼皇家「澳」妙嘉年華首次亮相香港 讓你體驗寰澳風情
新南威爾士州皇家農業協會行政總裁Peter King (前排右六),Events New South Wales市務及策略總經理Anthony Laver (前排左四)、及維珍航空公關及市場經理王玉瑩 (前排右三) 主持剪綵儀式,宣布悉尼皇家「澳」妙嘉年華大中華區預演香港站活動正式展開。
香港市民今年可以率先欣賞快將在四月份於澳洲舉行的悉尼皇家「澳」妙嘉年華 (Sydney Royal Easter Show) 中之精彩環節,體驗澳洲風情。悉尼皇家「澳」妙嘉年華早於一八二三年由澳洲新南威爾士州皇家農業協會 (Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales) 所創辦,是澳洲歷史最悠久、最負盛名和最大型的嘉年華盛會。它不但匯聚澳洲精彩的美食、娛樂和購物體驗,更舉辦各式農業比賽及動物競技,叫人目不暇給,是體驗澳洲文化和風情的最佳場合。
為了吸引更多大中華區旅客前赴澳洲親身體驗這一盛事,悉尼皇家「澳」妙嘉年華的主辦機構高層親臨香港、廣州和上海,誠邀當地市民加入這一全球盛事。香港方面,大會更於二月二十六日及二十七日下午,在將軍澳東港城舉辦大型預演活動,讓市民一家大小可率先觀賞嘉年華的多項精彩環節,包括鞭術冠軍人馬出神入化的神鞭奇技,以及屢獲殊榮的精準伐木技巧表演,還有叫旁觀者瞠目結舌、觸目驚心的「鐵皮人」釘床表演 。大會現場並向小朋友送上精心設計的氣球,維肖維妙的袋鼠公仔亦在會場穿梭與大家拍照留念,把熱鬧氣氛推上高峰。
悉尼「澳」妙嘉年華的活動主辦機構新南威爾士州皇家農業協會行政總裁 Peter King 表示:「在二零一零年,共有一萬三千多名來自香港、內地、日本、韓國和新加坡的遊客參加了我們的嘉年華。我們殷切期望今年會有更多的朋友到臨澳洲,與來自世界各地近百萬人一起,親身感受這項盛事的奧妙。」
由二零一一年四月十四日至二十七日舉行的悉尼「澳」妙嘉年華將會展現出前所未有的精彩,為期十四天的活動節目紛陳、生趣盎然,必定使旅客合家歡暢,樂而忘返。除了奇人奇技演出、國際精準伐木技巧表演和繽紛美食等廣受歡迎的傳統節目外,本屆大會亦推出了多項嶄新環節,例如晚間表演將包括澳洲頂級騎士擔當的野馬騎術表演,還有澳洲青蛙及爬蟲展 (Australian Frog and Reptile Show) ,以及澳洲體形最大的公牛「Fonzy」都會首度登場。
遊客甚至可在這個澳洲最具規模的嘉年華上,挑戰多達五十六種刺激好玩的過山車, 一試自己的膽量。當然,遊客亦可從三百多款「奇趣包」中選擇心頭好,又或者參觀牛仔競技賽,親睹勇猛的騎士一較高下,更可到動物育兒室餵飼初生動物。
Peter King補充:「悉尼皇家『澳』妙嘉年華歷史悠久,一直廣受家庭旅客的喜愛,對此我們深感自豪。三歲及以下的兒童可免費參與此項盛會,使家長不僅可帶領小孩體驗各種精彩活動,還可藉此良機向他們介紹這項澳洲最古老的傳統盛事。」
農莊動物育兒室 (Farmyard Animal Nursery) 內的初生小動物等著你來呵護餵飼
Come on an adventure at the Sydney Royal Easter Show – a chance to experience the real Australia
The countdown is on to Australia’s favourite family event – the iconic Sydney Royal Easter Show. This great tradition showcases everything Australian – from our bush heritage to our culture and people, our Australian cuisine and shopping, and the best in Aussie entertainment, agriculture and animal competitions. First held in 1823, the Sydney Royal Easter Show is the largest event in the southern hemisphere and is the only way to experience the real Australia.
For this year's event, Show bosses have travelled to Greater China to personally invite our Asian neighbours in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hong Kong to this world-class festival. The Hong Kong leg of the roadshow will see four performances at East Point City in Tseung Kwan O. On the afternoons of 26 and 27 February, families will be able to witness expert woodchoppers displaying their skills, the Australian national whip-cracking champion scaring unsuspecting members of the audience, and the Man with Iron Skin stunning the crowd with his infamous 'bed of nails' stunt. Balloons for the kids and man-sized kangaroos will complete the carnival atmosphere.
"In 2010 we were proud to welcome more than 13,000 international visitors from Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea and Singapore," said Peter King, Chief Executive of the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales, which runs the event. "This year we hope many more will come and join in the excitement with us – the event usually attracts almost a million people," he added.
In 2011 the Sydney Royal Easter Show will be bigger and better than ever before. The 14-day programme, which runs between 14 – 27 April, is bursting at the seams, with something exciting for all the family. Alongside time-honoured favourites like the Psycho Sideshow, international woodchopping and the spectacular fresh food, there are plenty of brand new attractions. The night-time performances will feature wild horses and Australia’s best country horse riders. There is also the Australian Frog and Reptile Show and the first-time appearance of "Fonzy” – Australia’s tallest bullock.
Come and test your bravery on one of the 56 thrilling rides in Australia’s largest carnival, take your pick from more than 300 showbags, watch the bravest riders compete in the rodeo and feed the baby animals in the animal nursery.
The Sydney Royal Easter Show is not only a fun-filled day out, but a worthy platform to showcase Australian Agricultural excellence and to educate young Australians about where their food comes from and the farmers who grow it.
“We're proud of the Royal Easter Show's history as one of Australia's most family-friendly events. Children aged three years and under have free admission to the Show – bring the kids along for the day and introduce them to one of Australia’s oldest traditions – the Royal Easter Show,” said Peter King.
So whether it's a culinary feast or a day of adrenaline-pumping action that tickles your fancy, it's all here: fireworks and fashion, rides and races, animals and entertainment. The Sydney Royal Easter Show is truly your ticket to the real Australia.
Some of the highlights include:Internationally-renowned woodchopping experts
Award winning Australian livestock – including more than 14,000 farm animals; cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, goats, dogs, alpacas, birds and native Australian animals
Get up close to feed and pat the baby animals in the Farmyard Animal Nursery
Extreme entertainment, including death-defying motorbike and car stunt action
Australia’s largest carnival of games and rides
More than 300 Showbags
The Psycho Sideshow, featuring classic sideshow performances and amazing human feats
Live Aussie bands
Nightly evening fireworks finale
About the Sydney Royal Easter Show
Established in 1823 by the Royal Agricultural Society of the Australian state of New South Wales, the Sydney Royal Easter Show continues to promote excellence and innovation in Australian agriculture through its 12,500 agricultural competitions and displays of over 14,000 animals. Bringing the country to the city each year to celebrate the best Australia has to offer, the Show attracts close to a million people – easily Australia's largest annual event.
Take a look at to find out more, tell the world you like the Sydney Royal Easter Show on Facebook, or follow the Show on Twitter.
The Sydney Royal Easter Show is a Hallmark Event - recognised by the NSW Government for its economic and social contribution to Sydney and the state of NSW.
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