China Airlines Launches Hong Kong-Tainan Flights
China Airlines Launches Hong Kong-Tainan Flights
Mr. Lai Ching-Te, Mayor of Tainan City (centre) with the VIP from Tainan attended the celebrating ceremony of China Airlines launched the Hong Kong – Tainan route
China Airlines launched the Hong Kong- Tainan route on July 18, becoming the first airline to fly from Hong Kong to Tainan, providing regular international flights from Tainan airport. China Airlines will offer the service on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday with its Boeing 737-800 aircraft, which seats 158 passengers. To celebrate the inaugural flight from Hong Kong to Tainan, China Airlines offered passengers mango pomelo sago and almond jelly. All passengers on the first flight received a limited edition China Airlines plum blossom mug. In additional, Representatives of Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) welcomed visitors of the inaugural flight at the airport, and presented them with the newly launched "Discover Hong Kong Tourist SIM Card” package as souvenirs since Taiwan is among Hong Kong’s most important visitor source markets. The "Discover Hong Kong" Wi-Fi Tourist SIM Card from the Hong Kong Tourism Board, which is valued at NT$270 and can be used in Hong Kong.
China Airlines currently operates 159 flights a week to Hong Kong from four cities in Taiwan including 88 flights from Taoyuan, 28 flights from Taichung, 40 flights from Kaohsiung, and three flights from Tainan. China Airlines serves more destinations in Taiwan than any other airline that operates the Taiwan-Hong Kong route. It also offers the most convenient flight schedules, giving passengers maximum flexibility and control over their itineraries.
Mr. Sun H. H., Chairman & President of China Airlines together with the distinguish guests from Hong Kong and Tainan
To celebrate the new service, China Airlines is offering special Hong Kong - Tainan fares starting at HK 1,070 for Economy Class and passengers have the option of choosing different airports on their returning. Besides the first 1,000 Hong Kong or Macao residents will receive a Taiwan Easy Card with stored value of NT$200 at which courtesy give by Taiwan Tourism Board. China Airlines is offering Hong Kong-Tainan packages with two nights’ accommodation starting at HK$1,280. Customers can enjoy special offers that choose from 14 hotels in Tainan, including three- to five-star hotels and boutique hotels from our Dynasty Package. To celebrate the new route and boost local tourism, Tayih Landis Hotel Tainan will even throw in the second night for free. Dynasty Package customers are also enjoying an exclusive buy up offer by paying an additional charge of HK$200 per flight sector for upgrading to Business Class on Hong Kong – Tainan or Tainan – Hong Kong flights. What’s more, Dynasty Package customers will be eligible to receive a range of alluring gifts such as tote bag, wifi-card, and more! Tainan City Government noted that people of Hong Kong are fond of Taiwan and has been put a lots of efforts to promote Tainan, tourists will be eligible to receive an value-added passbooks, visitors can enjoy a range of special offers, restaurants discounts for dinning, and more. In additional, the public transportations there are also already equipped and easy access between the tourist spots there. When you go to Tainan, you will enjoy it.
The distinguish guests enjoying the Chinese lion dance.
For more information, passengers can visit the China Airlines website or call China Airlines Customer Service at (852) 2868 2299 or participating travel agencies.
Hong Kong- Tainan Flight Schedule (Staring July 18)
About China Airlines
Founded in 1959, China Airlines is Taiwan’s largest airline with more than 10,000 employees worldwide and a fleet of 80 aircraft in the China Airlines Group. As one of SkyTeam airline alliance’s 19 members, China Airlines offers passengers access to an extensive global network of more than 15,000 daily flights to 1000 destinations in 187 countries. As one of SkyTeam airline alliance’s 19 members, China Airlines, the airline with the top mind-share according to the Management Magazine's "2013 Consumer Brand Survey", is committed to promoting innovative, high-quality passenger experience and caring services, including the retrofitting of Boeing 747-400 aircraft with brand new seats and entertainment systems, in-flight meals that combine the best of Chinese, Western and Taiwanese cuisine, as well as mobile phone and online services that satisfy passengers' demand for convenient access.
中華航空開航香港 - 台南航線 台灣航點覆蓋最多
乘搭中華航空台南市至香港首航的台南市市長賴清德( 左四)及台南市立法委員、議員們合照
中華航空於七月十八日開航香港 - 台南航線,每週三班,以波音737-800型客機飛航,可搭載一百五十八位旅客。華航是台南機場首家飛航香港航線的航空公司,也是第一家提供台南機場國際定期航班服務的航空公司,展現華航服務港人赴台洽商、旅遊有更多元的選擇。華航特別在香港至台南首航班機提供香港道地甜點「楊枝甘露凍佐芒果醬」及「杏仁凍」,讓搭乘首航班機的台、港旅客,可享用台南和香港的著名美食。此外,每位搭乘首航班機的旅客,可獲得限量華航梅花馬克杯一隻及華航精緻旅遊專屬logo包乙個。為慶祝華航開闢台南定期航線,香港旅遊發展局特派遣同仁在機場,為每位搭乘首航班機的旅客送上面值高達台幣二百七十元的「香港任蹤橫」Wi-Fi電話儲值卡乙份,不但滿足台客遊港各項通訊的需要,更讓大家一同分享開航的喜悅。
中華航空董事長兼總經理 孫洪祥 致辭
台南市市長賴清德 致辭
現時香港 - 台南經濟艙票價最低港幣一千零七十元起,旅客可以搭配選擇不同航點進出。此外,於香港地區開票且搭乘首航赴台南之離港旅客,可再獲台灣觀光協會額外贈送有附值台幣二百元之悠遊咭乙份。另台南特約合作酒店也特別提供優惠房價予華航精緻旅遊,其中台南香格里拉提供升等行政客房與大億麗緻酒店提供買一晚送第二晚予慶祝台南開航專案,且購買精緻旅遊套票來台,於暑假期間(至八月二十九日止)搭乘香港直航台南班機,單程僅需加港幣二百元即可坐商務艙,來回加港幣四百元,除上述超值優惠外,更即送環保旅行袋,四十八小時Wi-Fi服務、先麥食品禮盒、精美杯墊、台南彩鹽小禮物等一連串的好禮。台南市政府為吸引更多港澳旅客來台南觀光,除推出結合美食、小吃、旅館等專屬「台南觀光護照」外,更規劃了「88安平線」及「99台江線」景點接駁旅遊服務,讓港澳觀光客可前往府城古蹟散步、安平老街巡禮,更可踏浪、爬鹽山的豐富自然及人文地景之樂。
孫洪祥董事長( 右) 與賴清德市長主持醒獅點晴儀式
大家快樂率先搭乘直飛台南一起high翻「台南‧台灣文化原鄉」,也讓大家來率先體驗「台南愛夏味 夏味好回味」Easy Go的旅程。
相關票價及旅遊資訊,可參考華航網站,致電華航客服中心(852) 2868 2299,或洽詢各大旅行社。
孫洪祥董事長( 左七) 及賴清德市長( 左六) 與出席首航儀式的台南市及香港嘉賓們合照
台南-香港新增航班時刻表:( 七月十八日起)
孫洪祥董事長( 右) 與賴清德市長讚賞醒獅表演非常精彩
成立於一九五九年的中華航空,全球員工超過一萬人,集團機隊達八十架,是台灣飛航班次最多、規模最大的航空公司,也是天合聯盟十九個成員之一。透過天合聯盟綿密的航網,華航每天飛航超過一萬五千個航班,往返全球一百八十七個國家、一千個航點。華航榮獲《管理雜誌》「二零一三 年消費者心目中理想品牌」第一名,積極推動安全、優質的飛航品質及環保、創新的用心服務,包括波音 747-400 客機全面更新座椅及影視系統等客艙設備;機上提供中西合璧多元餐點,並推廣台灣美食;推出多樣行動M化及網路e化等功能,滿足旅客即時的服務需求。
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