Diplomatic Link
2020 August
What Do We Know about the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea?
Three Major Policies of the DPRK
A Country for the Working People
DPRK’s Strategic Resource–Foundation of the Self-Reliant Economy
Invincibility of Korean-Style Socialism
2020 February
Fifth Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea Held
Life of the Pyongyangites As Seen by Foreigners
Yangdok Hot Spring Resort in the DPRK
Korea in the East: The History of the Sun Will Advance for Ever
Celebrating the 72nd Anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Reception on the Celebrating of the 71st Anniversary of the Republic Day of India
2019 Spetember
What Do We Know about the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea?
Three Major Policies of the DPRK
A Country for the Working People
DPRK’s Strategic Resource–Foundation of the Self-Reliant Economy
President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s Address to the Nation
Reception on Celebrating the "Portugal Day"
Reception on the occasion of the National Day of Russia
Reception on the occassion of Bastille Day
2019 April
Notre Dame de Paris - the precious "World Heritage"
2019 February
DPRK and Self-Reliance in 2019
Statesman Possessed of Practical Abilities
A Heyday of Peace, Prosperity and Reunification
Will Be Ushered In on the Korean Peninsula
Innovative System for Personnel Training
President Kim Il Sung and the Anti-Japanese War of Korea
Kim Jong Un, Commander of the Rapidly-Changing Situation on the Korean Peninsula
Statesman Possessed of Practical Abilities
2017 January
2016 May
Carry forward the traditional friendship between China and Vietnam and open a way for future
Seventh Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea
DPRK and the Spirit of Self-Development
Message from Mr. Wilfred Mohr, Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong
Reception on Celebrate the National Day of Netherlands
2014 October
中國國務院總理李克強日前前往德國訪問,與德國總理默克爾共同主持《第三輪中德政府磋商》、共同出席在柏林舉行的《第七屆中德經濟技術合作論壇》,他並出席了在漢堡舉行的《中歐論壇漢堡峰會第六屆會議》。. ......>Read more
When we celebrate our National Day this year, a quarter of a century after the peaceful revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe and the fall of the Berlin Wall, we recall that German unity was not simply a stroke of luck. It was the yearning for freedom of the oppressed that led to the overthrow of the oppressors in the communist dictatorships. It was the courage of many people in Gdansk, Prague, Budapest and Leipzig that made the miracle of German and European unity possible. ......>Read more
In 2014, we look back on milestones that shaped the course of both German and world history. Two of these dates cast especially long shadows: one hundred years ago, two gunshots fired in Sarajevo cast Europe into the abyss that was the First World War. Seventy five years ago, our country unleashed the Second World War with the invasion of Poland – culminating in unprecedented crimes against humanity. ......>Read more
Message by Mr. Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff, Consul-General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Hong Kong德意志聯邦共和國駐香港總領事 蘭布斯多夫 獻辭On the “Day of German Unity”, the National Day of Germany, it is my great pleasure to convey my very best wishes to all our friends, partners and German nationals residing in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
2014 is an extraordinary year in many perspectives. Not only did the German National Soccer Team win the FIFA World Cup title for the fourth time, we are also celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall on 9th November. ......>Read more
Reception on the occasion of the Day of German Unity德國駐香港總領事館舉行慶祝統一日招待會
We Korean people are commemorating this day for the foundation of our nation 4,347 years ago. Into the 20th century, Korea has ever suffered the ordeals of the loss of national sovereignty, its division into South and North, and the occurrence of the Korean War. Now Korea has become a country which has enjoyed peace and prosperity in the world through its hard work and in cooperation with the international society.
Now Korea has become one of few countries among the newly-founded nations after World War II, which has attained industrialization and democratization all together. From one of the poorest countries in the world, she has become a member of OECD as a club of developed countries. She has also made herself into a donor country from a recipient country. The Republic of Korea has contracted FTAs with major economies such as ASEAN, India, EU, USA and the like, which has made Korea one of the countries with its economic range of activity broadest in the world......>Read more
Good evening. I’m very delighted to attend the reception tonight to celebrate the National Day of ROK. On behalf of Guangdong People’s Government, I’d like to extend our sincere festive greetings and best wishes to Consul General Yang Chang-soo and the Korean community in Guangdong, and in particular, wish the 17th Incheon Asian Games a full success.
China and ROK are important neighbors to each other. We are good partners and good friends. Since the establishment of the diplomatic ties, friendly exchanges and cooperation have yielded substantial results. As the pioneer to implement China’s reform and opening up, Guangdong has been traditionally closely linked to ROK by mutual frequent high-level visits, and fruitful cooperation in economy and trade, investment, science and technology, education, culture and tourism. ......>Read more
Reception on the Occasion of the Korean National Day (Guangzhou)
Dear Colleagues and Dear friends,
Thank you for joining us tonight to celebrate the National Day of the Republic of Korea.
A few days ago, 2014 Incheon Asian Games came to an end with great success. Hong Kong dispatched the largest team ever to the Games and achieved great results, winning 42 medals. Congratulations on the achievement by Hong Kong. ......>Read more
Reception on the Occasion of the Korean National Day (Hong Kong)
Speech by Vincent Piket at the UN International Day of Peace Ceremony
The Hong Kong Peace Festival 2014
La Salle College, Hong Kong, 20 September 2014
I am delighted to represent the European Union at the celebration of the 2014 United Nations International Day of Peace in Hong Kong. The International Day of Peace is celebrated globally. It unites the citizens of the world in expressing their wish for peace and their desire for a global society in which human beings can live without fear of conflict. ......>Read more
今年是印尼總統大選年,由於現任總統尤多約諾已連任兩屆,按照印尼憲法不能再參選。因此,印尼鬥爭民主黨的佐科‧維多多與大印尼運動黨的普拉博沃‧蘇比安托便成為兩大熱門競爭對手,經過激烈的競選活動和選民在七月九日踴躍的投票後,維多多獲百分之五十三點一五選票,而普拉博沃獲百分之四十六點八五選票,維多多在總統大選勝出後將於二零一四年十月二十日宣誓就任印尼第七任總統。......>Read more
Celebration of the 66th Founding Anniversary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
A Country of Strong Independence
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is known worldwide as a country of strong independence as it always maintains the principle of independent politics, self-supporting economy and self-reliant national defence.
The DPRK has demonstrated its dignity by dint of independent politics.
When he started revolutionary struggle to liberate his country from the Japanese military occupation (1905- 1945), President KIM IL SUNG, founding father of socialist Korea, put forward the unique line of anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution suitable to the specific conditions of Korea. ......>Read more
August 25 is not an ordinary day for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
On the day in 1960, General KIM JONG IL, eternal Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, started the Songun-based leadership by inspecting the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division of the Korean People's Army.
For over half a century since then under his Songun-based leadership, the DPRK has always safeguarded its sovereignty and dignity with honour in the ceaseless confrontation with the United States which claims to be a "superpower." ......>Read more
Supreme Leader KIM JONG UN of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is winning great affection and respect from his people, the intensity of which is drawing the admiration of the international community.
The world wonders how the Korean leader, though it was not long since he took official posts, is so loved by his people.
The answer to this must be found in his politics of affection for the people.
Leader KIM JONG UN bestows his warm love on the people.
Whenever he meets soldiers and people, he embraces them tenderly, gives them a clap, walks holding their hands in his and whispers in their ears.
When he is among the children, he pats on their cheeks and unreservedly accepts their requests.
He poses for photos with ordinary soldiers and people, arm in arm.
While visiting the army units he stands with every one of the soldiers, numbering dozens, who are unwilling to part from him, to pose for a camera for a long time.
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On August 17th 2014, the People of Indonesian will celebrate the 69th anniversary of the Indonesian Independence Day. This moment day would be a great memorable moment for all Indonesia’s people in remembering the spirit of national awakening which was culminated at the Proclamation Day of Indonesia, on August 17th 1945. Allow me at this precious national inauguration to extend my warmest greetings to all Indonesian fellows in Hong Kong. I wish you always be healthy and prosperous in every single moment of your life.
Indonesia and Hong Kong have been enjoying very warm and mature relations since 1953 when the Government of Indonesia established its Indonesian mission in Hong Kong. Currently, the relations between Indonesia and Hong Kong remain strong and nurtured in every sector. ......>Read more
July 2014
Cover Story - Grass Roots Prime Minister草根總理
莫迪做事的作風以務實著稱,在當上古吉拉特(Gujarat)邦省長時,創下「莫迪奇蹟」,令該邦經濟騰飛,普受當地人民歡迎。但在多年前因曾鎮壓當地的穆斯林,被美國視為不受歡迎的人物,並從二零零五年開始拒發訪美簽證。所謂「三十年河東,三十年河西」,當莫迪當選總理後,美國總統奧巴馬隨即致電莫迪,表示願邀請莫迪訪問華盛頓。美國白宮還發佈聲明表示:「我們期盼與新政府密切合作,未來繼續加強、拓展美印戰略夥伴關係。」 ......>Read more
President Kim Il Sung is held in high esteem as the eternal sun.
His name literally means the sun in Korean. True to the meaning of his name and the properties of the sun, the President illuminated the future of mankind as brightly as the sun, brought the flower of love for human being into full bloom with warm love and embraced all the people with great attracting power.
He shed light on the way ahead for mankind by authoring the great Juche idea. ......>Read more
委內瑞拉駐香港總領事館館長賈斯雅在「中國 – 委內瑞拉文化匯展:紀念中委兩國建交四十周年」致辭
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro Moros and our Minister of Foreign affairs Elias Jaua Milano, the Consulate General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Hong Kong S.A.R welcomes our esteemed guests tonight.
Today we are gathered here to celebrate two relevant historic events.
The first one being the 28th of June 2014, when Venezuela and China marked the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, ......>Read more
Today the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a powerful, independent country even the United States, which poses as “the only superpower,” dares not attack, and a strong fortress for defending peace in Northeast Asia and the rest of the world.
This surprising reality is unthinkable apart from the wise guidance of Kim Jong Un.
Last year the situation in Korea was very serious. In the beginning of the year the US resorted to the schemes aimed at stifling the DPRK, labelling the latter’s launching of a peaceful satellite as the “launching of a long-range missile.” ......>Read more
Austria - Rich Culture with a dynamic and innovative economy奧地利 文化底蘊深厚 經濟蓬勃興旺Austria – a country at the heart of Europe – is known for her rich cultural past and present, for its beautiful landscape as well as a dynamic and innovative economy. Austria the fourth richest country in Europe and among the most productive nations in the world. Its quality of life is unsurpassed in the world. Vienna, Austria is the world’s most popular business destination for managers.
What makes Austria unique is its social stability brought by a stable political system and a well-developed system of co-operation between the major economic interest groups both among each other and the government. Such co-operation was essential for the reconstruction of Austria after the Second World War and created the basis for further economic growth and social stability. ......>Read more
經歷長達半年的動盪後,烏克蘭於五月二十五日舉行總統大選,有二十一名候選人角逐。其中以億萬富豪波羅申科與前總統季莫申科兩位候選人備受關注,波羅申科是該國最大糖果生產商如勝(Roshen)公司的所有者,該公司的糖果產品佔俄羅斯市場的三分之一;此外,他還是烏克蘭甚具影響力的烏克蘭電視台第五頻道的擁有者。在政治方面,他曾在前總統季莫申科政府擔任過外交部長、也曾在前總統亞努科維奇政府擔任過貿易部長。 ......>Read more
Europe Day – Democracy is a constant work in progress
On 9 May 1950, in the wake of World War II, Robert Schuman, the then Foreign Minister of France, called for the unification of Europe in order to make war on the continent impossible and to spread peace and prosperity globally. Schuman's declaration drew a positive response from five other European countries, including Germany, France's erstwhile foe. This kicked off the Europe's gradual integration. And 9 May came to be called Europe Day –the day to celebrate how the EU has overcome age-old differences to shape a common future.
Around the globe, whether in Cairo or Kiev, people want what we have in the EU: personal rights and freedoms, democratic governance, rule of law and a decent living. Events in Ukraine show that we cannot take these values for granted. In today’s Europe, we see that democracy is a constant work in progress; we share a responsibility to safeguard and nurture it. And we will stand by those who call for it. ......>Read more
There are not many places in the world where will you find so much beauty in such a small area. History has left its mark on this country in the very heart of Europe in its many wonderful medieval towns, proud castles, elegant chateaux and charming folk buildings. All of this is embraced by the diverse landscape of harmonious fields and meadows in bloom, thousands of fishponds, deep forests and borderland mountains. Set out to get to know some of the fascinating stories of a country which is proud of its historical heritage. The historical lands of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia have been a crossroads of culture between the East and the West for more than a thousand years now. Their history, linked with the history of Europe, tells stories of an era of economic and cultural boom and decline, bitter wars, revolution but also national awakening. All of this was projected onto the character of the country and left appreciable traces there. Nowadays, the Czech Republic (EU member since 2004) is a developed country which provides its visitors with everything they need to spend an unforgettable holiday in a country where there is constantly something new to discover. ......>Read more
Hungary, a country of unique beauty and excellent investment opportunities in the heart of Europe
Hungary is a country of unique beauty in the heart of Europe, which offers its guests and business partners amazing hospitality, miraculous thermal waters and spas, a vivid cultural environment, and the culinary pleasures ensured by the world famous Hungarian cuisine and an extensive selection of wines. The country also has excellent conditions to offer for knowledge-based developments; it is among the world leaders in terms of Nobel Prize winners per capita, with well-trained labour force, graduates fluent in various languages, and an advanced IT and software base. ......>Read more
Romania’s natural features are unique in Europe. This country enjoys the embrace of the Carpathians with its area of true wilderness, and the ever-fresh beauty of the Danube Delta, as well as extensive plains scattered with little natural and cultural treasures. People enrich this natural treasure with unchanged traditions and a warm and generous personality. Their cultural sites, many INESCO World Heritage Sites, are testament to a unique history with a heritage of Latin origin mixed with other great cultures of the continent. The stones of these places will surely fascinate you, and the deep spiritualty of Romanians will impress you too. ......>Read more
Romania has largest annual economic growth in EU and in first quarter of this year
Romania's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 3.8 percent in the first quarter of 2014 from the similar span of time of last year. This is the largest annual advance registered by a European Union (EU) member state, according to some preliminary estimates published on Thursday by the European office of statistics (Eurostat).
It is the second quarter in a row when Romania has had the largest annual economic growth in the EU after in the last quarter of last year Romania had a 5.1 percent increase in the GDP.
According to Eurostat, in the first quarter of 2014, the European Union registered a 1.4 percent annual economic growth and the Eurozone, a 0.9 percent advance. ......>Read more
SPAIN: read on, you will end up coming
What do you know about Spain? If you asked that question to a group of Asian people they will probably think about Flamenco or Bullfighting, but the truth is that this country is much more than that. Firstly, Spain is the 13th largest economy in the world, according to the World Bank. With its more than 46 million people and an extension of 504,645 Km2, it is one of the most developed countries within the European Union, to which it gained membership in 1986. That specific step changed completely its society and economy, starting a process of internationalization and competitiveness that turned out to be the biggest development the country has ever known. ......>Read more
“Tasty Europe” – a cookbook inspires you to discover and explore the European food culture
眾所周知,美食是代表一個國家的文化之一,而歐洲國家不單在「飲文化」方面甚為講究,在「食文化」方面也毫不遜色。最近歐盟駐港澳辦事處出版了一本名叫《美味歐洲》(Tasty Europe)的歐洲美食指南,介紹了歐盟二十八個成員國的具代表性美食,除反映了歐洲文化的多樣化外,也印證了歐盟的座右銘「多樣化中的和諧」。相信《美味歐洲》的讀者們閱後會增進對歐洲飲食文化的興趣。......>Read more
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