Incentive and Exhibition Link
2020 August
Multifunctional virtual platform creates opportunities
2020 February
The 54th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo
2019 September
Tasteful Europe – Tradition and Quality
2016 June
The Hong Kong Exporters’ Association Pavilion at Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair
Hong Kong Smart Gifts Design Awards
2014 November
French Cosmetics Innovation at Cosmoprof Hong Kong
Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival – the Results out of expectation
2014 October
LAFONT, spectacles in many colours for the entire family
2014 August
第二十五屆香港書展 逾三百場文化活動讓書迷參與 超過一百零一萬人參觀刷新紀錄
Worldwide Eyewear Brands Offer Quality Sourcing at Hong Kong Optical Fair in November
Laboratoire PYC to launch the first totally diet crisps!
法國Kadalys香蕉抗衰老天然化妝品 亮相「2014香港亞太區美容展」
Kadalys launches anti-ageing banana-based cosmetic in COSMOPROF ASIA 2014
The 25th edition of the Food Expo welcomed by consumers
2014 July
ITE & MICE Hong Kong 2014 - Quality Visitors came for Up Market / FIT Travel Products
An increasingly prominent French presence at InnoTrans 2014 Berlin
2014 March
Electric vehicle charge station specialists CAHORS primed to conquer Chinese market
法國VFP Ink Technologies以環保油墨技術 參展三月亞洲智能卡博覽會
VFP Ink Technologies: Expertise in environmentally-friendly inks and varnishes
2014 February
Hong Kong Fashion Week for Fall / Winter
香港國際家用紡織品展 推「設計方案及貿易服務」新區 刺激採購設計新思維
2014 January
The 48th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo Fair
法國StarChip以半導體技術參展「2014 亞洲智能卡博覽會」
Semiconductor technologies developed by StarChip® at CARTES ASIA 2014
SMARTWARE presents Solutions of personalization for smartcards at Cartes Asia 2014
2013 December
The 18th edition of Cosmoprof Asia in Hong Kong 第十八屆亞太區美容展
Cosmoprof Asia celebrates its 18th edition from 13 to 15 November 2013 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center.
The exhibition hosts 2,168 exhibitors from 43 countries and regions, representing a 10% growth compared to last year. Exhibition area has increased to over 76,000 square metres. “This is the biggest Cosmoprof Asia ever. The strong turnout is indicative of the importance of the show for the region, and of the Asian cosmetics market to brands and suppliers from all over the world.” says Michael Duck, Director of Cosmoprof Asia Ltd. ......> Read More
G2J announces its participation to the Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona
法國G2J參展2014年在西班牙巴塞隆納舉行的全球移動通訊展 (Mobile World Congress)
G2J.COM (a company owned by IEC Professionnel Média (NYSE - Euronext, IEC - FR0000066680) announces its participation to the Mobile World Congress 2014 (24 to 27 February 2014) in Barcelona, Spain.
In hall 5 of the “SYSTEMATIC” Cluster – France Pavillon, G2J will present its videoconferencing solutions for professionals on-the-go. ......> Read More
Nov 2013
開幕典禮的啟動儀式由多位嘉賓主持,包括香港特別行政區財政司司長曾俊華先生、商務及經濟發展局局長蘇錦樑先生、旅發局主席林建岳博士、法國駐港澳總領事?雅諾先生、商務及經濟發展局常任秘書長(工商及旅遊)黃灝玄先生、活動協辦機構法國波爾多工商總會主席Pierre Goguet 先生、法國波爾多市副市長StephanDelaux 先生、波爾多葡萄酒業協會主席Bernard Farges 先生,以及「美國運通香港美酒佳餚月」和「美國運通香港美酒佳餚巡禮」的冠名贊助機構美國運通國際股份有限公司亞洲區總裁古益川先生。 ......> Read More
The Intoxicating Sweet Bordeaux wines
Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival: Sweet Bordeaux has set the mood
From 31 October to 3 November 2013, Sweet Bordeaux was one of the "must-visit" stands of the Wine and Dine Festival. Organized by Hong Kong Tourism Board, this festival numbers among top 10 list of international food and wine festivals. Faced with the Hong Kong consumers who were ready to party and enjoy quality wines, the Sweet Bordeaux had once again come back in the spotlight! Over 15,000 tastings took place during four days, and more than 10,000 over the first 3 days. After the famous yellow pompoms, the new wigs “So Sweet” were adopted! ......> Read More
Wrapping paper, disposable tableware, leftovers… an enormous amount of municipal waste is produced every day. Environmental protection and waste reduction have become a global issue. With the theme “Waste Management and Recycling”, yesterday’s Eco Asia Conference, held during the 8th Eco Expo Asia, saw participants engaged in a green dialogue exploring new solutions for waste reduction. ......> Read More
French Eyewear Brands Highlight of Hong Kong Optical Fair 2013
Ubifrance, the French Agency for international business development, in collaboration with Syndicat National Lunettes de France (www.lunettes-de-france) - the French Association for eyewear, is setting up a French Pavilion at Hong Kong Optical Fair 2013, being held from 6 to 8 November. These French companies are looking forward to showcase their latest eye-wear collection and evaluate business opportunities in the Hong Kong market. ......> Read More
It is a real French tidal wave that will sweep through COSMOPROF Hong Kong from 13 to 15 November, 2013. Once again this year the national pavilion, under the leadership of UBIFRANCE – the French Agency for International Business Development – will perform to a sold-out audience. More than 80 companies will present their products and services, worth visiting both for their creativity and quality. ......> Read More
Providing those who suffer skin problems with a credible alternative to petrochemical products… such is the wager taken by the woman who founded INDEMNE, a budding cosmetics brand offering basic, natural care intended for atopic skin. She has chosen COSMOPROF ASIA as the venue to introduce her brand new care line; the event opens in Hong Kong next November 13th. ......> Read More
2013 August
The coming year will see two major events on renewable energies. For the first time in this constantly and rapidly changing field, THETIS will organise THETIS PACIFIC, a convention in Papeete (French Polynesia) devoted to energy issues in French overseas territories in the fourth quarter of 2014.
THETIS also organises the annual European meeting on marine energy THETIS MRE, with the event taking place on 9 and 10 April 2014 in Cherbourg, France. ......> Read
The trend-leading summer carnival, the 15th Ani-Com & Games Hong Kong has proudly revealed a successful end. The five-day show brought unlimited fantastic experiences and surprises to all visiting ACG fans. The special free entrance offer to parents and kids has attracted large number of families visited this wonderful occasion. As of the figures collected up to 6pm, the Organizer estimated about 115,000 people visited today’s exhibition, adding up to a record-high of a total of 729,000 visitors for ACGHK2013, a 4% increase when compared to last year. ......> Read More
2013 July
Sweet Bordeaux is at the forefront of sweet wine business in China 法國甜蜜波爾多穩站在中國甜白酒業的前端
In 2013, Sweet Bordeaux continues to drive its wine business in China. It remains dedicated to develop sweet wine industry abroad and within the big picture, ultimately promoting high quality sweet white wines.
This year, Sweet Bordeaux is present on the global main events such as the Vinexpo in Bordeaux, Top Wine China in Beijing, Tang Jiu Hui in Chengdu, ProWine China in Shanghai (13-15 November 2013) as well as the Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival in coming November. ......> Read More
第二十七屆香港國際旅遊展及同期舉辦的第八屆商務會獎旅遊展(簡稱ITE & MICE 2013)於六月十六日圓滿結束。今屆旅遊展於六月十三至十六日假灣仔會議展覽中心展廳1A至1E舉行,首兩天專業日只供業內人士參觀,後兩天開放予公眾人士。
今年旅遊展會場面積達一萬六千平方米,較去年上升6.6%,匯聚六百八十家參展商來自四十六個國家及地區,齊集世界各地旅遊資訊。專業日入場參觀的旅遊業界人士有六千多人次,較去年上升5.8%。 今年兩天專業日的買家和專業觀眾入場總人次達一萬一千八百多人當中72%來自香港,而來自中國內地及海外分別為20%和 8%。而公眾日亦吸引七萬三千二百人次入場,上升達3.9%。 ......>Read More
2013 Feb
The fourth CARTES ASIA trade show – an unmissable event for anyone involved in smart cards and contactless cards in Asia - will take place in Hong Kong on March 27-28, 2013. 120 exhibitors will participate in this landmark meeting, 3,000 visitors are expected. The French pavilion, under the auspices of UBIFRANCE, will host eleven French companies representing the entire sector. ......>Read More
The 47th Brand and Products Expo Fair
第四十七屆工展會圓滿結束,香港廠商會會長施榮懷對於今屆工展會再次取得驕人成績,感到高興。他表示,工展會乃本港一年一度的盛事,橫跨聖誕及新年黃金消費檔期。今屆展期雖遇上嚴寒天氣,幸而大部份時間仍天朗氣清,未有影響進場人士的參觀及購物熱情。為了與入場巿民攜手抗通脹,廠商會繼續舉辦「抗通脹購物優惠」活動,包括「1元產品大優惠」、「割價大傾銷」及「購物送大禮」,優惠產品包羅萬有,包括食品、湯包、服飾精品和家居用品等,為不同年齡層的消費者帶來購物驚喜。全賴參展商及參觀人士的鼎力支持,今屆工展會總銷售額進一步突破去年的港幣六億元,上升一成半至七億元,再次刷新工展會的銷售紀錄。今年所見,不但日用品及糧油食品深受市民歡迎,一些貴價貨品如蔘茸海味、家庭電器及保健品,銷情亦非常理想。 ......>Read More
2013 Jan
被譽為聖誕佳節最佳合家歡節目的「第10屆香港冬季購物節」暨「香港冬日美食節」於會展圓滿結束,大批市民作最後衝刺,於場內狂掃平貨及減價食品。截至今天展會結束,四天總累積人次共1,072,608,比去年上升了約9% ,為歷屆最高。(其中國內及海外旅客入場120,098人,比去年上升約24%)。同時,亦超越了主辦單位的預期數字一百萬人次;總營業額高達 6.82億元,較去年上升18%。今年聖誕市道暢旺,每日都有逼爆會展的情況出現,場內的食品、嬰兒產品、家電大收旺場,其中急凍海產、罐頭鮑魚和本地受歡迎的奶粉品牌等於今天下午2點已售罄。主辦機構於展期內更加開專車由深圳接送內地自由行旅客直達會展,四天組團超過五千人。 ......>Read More
2012 Dec
牌」、「環球創意」、綠色科技及環保方案」、「創新及應用科技」、「知識產權貿易及研發」以及「新媒體」等多個展示區域。而創新館則有「教育專區」、「從藝術到設計」、「環球創意」、「香港創意力量」和「香港設計中心」等展示區域。 ......>Read More
Sept 2012
The rabbit JOKIO is the first sculpture created by BLANC BIJOU.
BLANC BIJOU is a special material made from a rare and precious material.
Having an eternal whiteness and unique touch, this is an exception in the world of art works.This unique piece of work of Jacques Owczarek will be presented to collectors in FINE ART ASIA in Hong Kong, from 4th to 7th October, 2012. ......>Read More
EMBALLAGE 2012: An exceptional 40th vintage!
The International Packaging Exhibition EMBALLAGE will take place for its 40th show at Parc des Expositions in Paris Nord Villepinte in France from the 19th to the 22th of November. With 1 300 exhibitors (48% international) and 89 000 visitors expected, the International Packaging Exhibition EMBALLAGE will highlight the innovative power of the packaging sector.
Over four days, the packaging industry will display a comprehensive range of innovations and the extent of its know-how, expressed in the form of solutions to the demands arising from the packaging chain, ranging from raw materials to finished products not forgetting packaging machines and related services. ......>Read More
Organized by Eurovet, the world’s leading lingerie and beachwear trade show organizer and supported by Hong Kong Intimate Apparel and Industries’ Association (HKIAIA), as well as a number of supporting partners, the sixth Interfilière Hong Kong will be held on March 29-30, 2012 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. ......>Read More
Long queue to kick start 10th Asia Game Show 2011
The much-anticipated Asia Games Show (AGS 2011) was officially kicked off on 23rd December, 2011 with a grand opening ceremony. Honorable guests including Mr. Gregory So, JP Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, HKSAR, Mr. Fritz Chiu, Principal Consultant (IT Industry Development) of the Hong Kong Productivity Council, Mr. Tetsuhiko Yasuda, President of Sony Entertainment Asia and Mr. Andrew House, President of Sony Entertainment Inc. together with Evette Chan, Event Director of Asia Game Show Holdings Limited were invited to conduct the opening ceremony where they ignited the 10th anniversary crystal block which signifies the 10 years development of AGS. ......>Read More