Park Geun-hye Supplement IV

President Park listens to citizens


President Park listens to citizens

President Park Geun-hye visited a supermarket in Seocho District, Seoul on 13 March to check the prices of agricultural commodities. She emphasized improvements to the goods distribution structure.

“Price indexing is one of the most popular interests among people,” said Park at an outdoor wholesale market. “The distribution system that requires many complicated steps takes a toll on farmers, ranchers, and consumers. We should simplify it and make it efficient.”

After purchasing one kilogram of potatoes, President Park proceeded into the indoor market where she bought strawberries, pork and two bundles of herbs.

“Farmers and ranchers are having a hard time due to low prices while consumers complain about their tight circumstances with the high price of commodities from retailers,” continued Park, at the following meeting with workers in the business sector, who also mentioned that the distribution process can possibly be reduced by up to 70 percent for vegetables and 50 percent for fruits.

She also stressed that it is important to get people to understand the situation of producers whose goods go through many steps to reach retailers.

“When business infrastructure improves and a certain set of manual is established to control the supply and demand for a transparent and reasonable transaction, consumers would understand price fluctuations and it also would provide a motivation for producers to work more efficiently,” Park added.

President Park also showed her firm determination to create visible outcomes that influence people’s lives. To do that, it is critical to learn through direct interaction with the people and receive on-site feedback, she emphasized.

President Park Geun-hye (right) tried a strawberry at a free sampling stand during the market tour in a supermarket in Yangjae-dong of Seocho District, Seoul on 13 March.

韓國總統朴槿惠總統3 月13 日走訪了位於首爾瑞草區良才洞的農協超市,並在一試食攤前品嘗草莓。



朴槿惠總統首先來到了位於室外的批發市場,她表示「物價是國民最關心的問題,由於流通結構過於復雜,以致生產商和消費者都經歷了困難。」 她還表示雙方應該進行努力達成雙贏局面。







President Park Geun-hye (center) purchased some grocery items at a supermarket on 13 March

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