Festive Korea III

Festive Korea


Hong Kong people’s love of Korean culture has extended from Korean drama and movies to traditional art and Korean language. More local tertiary institutions have developed Korean Language Department, academic exchange between the two places is increasing nowadays.

“Shortcut to Korean Culture” was popular


In October this year, The University of Hong Kong presented ‘Korean Studies Lecture Series 1 “Shortcut to Korean Culture”’. Prof. CHOI, Joon-sik, Director of Korean Cultural Research Institute of Ewha Womans University was invited to give lectures which contents included value system of Korean people and its relation with Confucianism, traditional element of contemporary entertainment culture, Korean architecture and living and world heritages in Korea. A series of four lectures have attracted 360 attendants.

Had a taste of Hansik


大學韓國文化講堂 活躍學術交流


Prof. Choi Joon-sik from Ewha Woman University gave lectures


本年韓國十月文化節期間,香港大學舉辦了韓國文化講堂, 邀請來自梨花女子大學韓國文化研究所所長崔俊植教授出席演講,內容涵蓋儒家思想對韓國人價值觀的影響、韓流中的傳統元素、韓式建築與生活以及韓國的文化遺產等,以更深入的角度剖析韓國文化。 一連四課的韓國文化講堂大受歡迎,座位一度供不應求,共吸引三百六十人次入場參加。

Students discussed with Prof. Choi after lecture



利川傳統陶瓷技藝 珍貴文化遺產

利川是韓國代表性的陶瓷生產地,於二零一零年獲聯合國教育科學及文化組織UNESCO 評定為創意文化城市。 利川之所以成爲韓國傳統陶藝的中心,主要是因爲朝鮮( 一三九二至一九一零年) 五百年間,瓷器的歷史首先在以利川和光州爲中心的地帶開始, 人們可以在利川欣賞到老陶匠的得意作品,其中不僅有青瓷、白瓷和粉青等觀賞性瓷器,也有現代感的生活用瓷器。


Artist explained experience of creation



The 1st Icheon Ceramic Exhibition showcased more than hundred ceramic art pieces

By begin designated as UNESCO creative city in craft and folk art in 2010, Icheon is a ceramic city proud of history of ceramic from the Bronze Age. People can enjoy various ceramics such as celadon with jade green featuring intellectual beauty, white porcelain having symbolic meaning and beauty space, buncheong reflecting free and simple beauty Icheon.


Exhibition attracted 600 visitors

“The 1st Icheon Ceramic Exhibition in Hong Kong” was held in 17-19 October in Conference Hall of Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong under the theme of ‘Ceramics, Sharing and Relaxation’, presenting more than hundred of Icheon ceramic master pieces. Artists introduced their concept of creation to visitors during the event, 600 people attended the event.


Exhibition attracted 600 visitors


跆拳高手傳真功夫 市民親身體驗


Participants learn Taekwondo, strengthened physical and spiritual well-being



Friendship developed in class


Taekwondo is Korean traditional martial art, which is widely practiced around the world. This martial art is not only a sport, but more importantly, an art to strengthen one’s physical wellbeing, cultivates characters and inspires one’s inner spiritual temperament.

Taekondo Class coached by Chairman of Korean Sports Association in Hong Kong


Supported by Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong, Korean Sports Association in Hong Kong has organized Taekwondo Class in 2 November to 28 December on every Friday. Hong Kong people freely joined the classes, which were coached by Chairman of Korean Sports Association in Hong Kong. Participants were from different walks of life, including high rank personnel, university students and Hong Kong citizens.

Participants from different walks of life



《韓語劇場》二十週年 韓流發源之地


駐香港總領事館已與亞洲電視合作,播放「韓語劇場」, 將韓國文化透過電視劇帶給香港觀眾。

Presented “Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism’s Commendation Award”



儒、亞洲小姐以及全台六百位同仁出席盛會,韓國駐香港總領事趙鏞天將獎項頒予亞洲電視行政總裁, 現場衣香鬢影,更有歌星獻唱韓劇主題曲、大跳「江南Style」,熱鬧非常。

Dancers performed “Gangnam Style”


Since the establishment of Consular office in Hong Kong in 1949, Korean Consulate has committed to developed economic and culture exchange between the two places, especially made an

effort to strengthened collaboration with local media. Since 1992, Korean Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong and Korean consulate has co-operated with Asia Television Limited in broadcasting the programme “Korean Hour”, introduced Korean Drama to Hong Kong audiences.

Consul General delivered congratulatory speech


The Government of the Republic of Korea has presented Asia Television Limited “Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism’s Commendation Award” to commend ATV’s contribution in promoting Korea-Hong Kong relationship development and cultural exchange. The award presentation ceremony was held on 31 October, Managing Director Mr. Wang Zheng, CEO Mr. James Shing, Miss Asia as well as 600 representatives of ATV attended the event. Dancers performed “Gangnam Style” and singers presented theme songs of Korean drama.

600 ATV representations attended the event


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