Festive Korea

“Festive Korea” Welcomed by Hong Kong Citizens


Consul General was interviewed by local media


The interest in Korean culture, dubbed Hallyu, is now being found all over the globe, Korean cuisine, drama, K-Pop, movie as well as food products are especially welcomed and loved by Hong Kong people. Korea and Hong Kong maintained close relationship: being each other’s 6th largest trading partners and Hong Kong is Korea’s 3rd largest investment destination.

Performance was freely opened to public


In order to bring diverse and colorful cultural programmes to Hong Kong, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong has hosted the first ever “Festive Korea” last year. Organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong, in collaboration with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Korea, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea and the Government of Hong Kong SAR, the second edition of “Festive Korea” commenced in this October. It presented a series of fascinating cultural performances and art events, including Korean dance performance, concerts, drama, movies, photography exhibition, Hansik making class, Korean food promotion, Korea-Hong Kong Friendship day as well as Electronic Expo. This year’s programmes have exhibited the diverse and refined characteristic of the unique Korean culture of today and yesterday, comprehensively a departure from the piecemeal approach of the past. People enjoyed the pleasing fragrance of Korean culture through the festive events staged in different venues throughout the region.

Iconic traditional Korean performing art “MISO”


The second Festive Korea came to a close on 11 November 2012. This six-week cultural fragrance presented 25 performances and exhibitions, six art groups with a total number of 63 talented performers from Korea have joined the festival. Over 14,000 tickets were distributed, the festival saw 27 performances with attendance at well over 97%, and among them 10 were capacity houses. Total audience numbers around 200,000, positive responses received this year were more than expected.

Audience was invited to join the show


同賀韓中建交二十年 港人共享文化盛宴近年韓流席捲全球,香港勁掀韓風,韓國菜餚、電視劇、流行音樂、電影以及食品深受香港市民的喜愛。兩地關係日益密切,韓港經濟交流蓬勃,兩地互為第六大貿易夥伴,香港更是韓國的第三大投資對象。


More than 1,000 audiences attended the show



Suprising action comedy “BIBAP”


反應熱烈遠超預期 結果美不勝收


‘Chefs’ with superb choregraphy


Model Vanessa Yeung attended the show



傳統默劇全新演繹 呈獻不朽之作



Silly girl talked to old tree


Brand new interpretation of traditional story

“The Silly Little Girl and The Funny Old Tree”, the timeless piece by late Mr. Kuo Pao Kun, tells story about a funny old tree attracts the attention of a little girl. The girl talks to the tree everyday and becomes very fond of it. One day, a bulldozer appears and threatens to end this tranquility. Korean artist Kim Dae-geon and members of the Fringe Mime and Movement Laboratory paid tribute to Mr. Kuo by presenting three shows of movementbased interpretation of “The Silly Little Girl and The Funny Old Tree” on 11-13 December, attracting 200 mime-lovers to attend the shows.


Korean artist Kim Dae-geon performed in mime


Fringe Mime and Movement Laboratory told story with dance


韓國熱爆人氣組合 演出震撼香江

韓流文化在亞洲乃至全球大行其道,K-Pop 音樂旋律膾炙人口,明星舞步精湛,歌迷爭相模仿。以深情演繹浪漫情歌見稱的韓國「情歌王子」組合2AM 於九月二十九日 在九龍灣國際展貿中心的

演唱會,吸引愈三千名歌迷出席,全場爆滿。韓流熱潮浪接浪,韓國五人偶像組合SHINee 於十月二十七日在亞洲國際博覽館一號展館舉行演唱會,為一睹偶像風采,開場前數小時已有粉絲在會場聚集,演唱會現場座無虛席,SHINee 勁歌熱舞,全場七千名觀眾情緒高漲。

2AM 「The Way of Love」演唱會全場爆滿

2AM The Way of Love Concert was full house


Fans intoxicated with romantic voice of 2AM

SHINee 勁歌熱舞

SHINee’s enegetic dance in powful music

Hallyu is not only popular in the whole of Asian continent but also in an increasingly wide part of the world. The melody of K-Pop has won universal praise, movement of K-Pop stars were imitated by fans. Boy K-Pop group 2AM, named “Princes of Love Songs”, were well-known for their romantic presentation of love songs. Their concert in Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre on 9 September were fully occupied by 3,000 fans. On the other hand, the concert of Korean idol group SHINee on 27 October in AsiaWorld-Arena attracted 7,000 audiences.

2AM 與全場觀眾合照

2AM took photos with audiences


Fans’ emotion ran high

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