Jetstar wings its way to Uluru

Jetstar wings its way to Uluru

- The new service will offer 1,400 low fare seats to the Red Centre each week.

- Jetstar aims to expand the leisure market to one of the world’s unique destinations.

- Ayers Rock (Uluru) becomes Jetstar’s 19th domestic port and 61st destination across Asia Pacific.

The countdown is officially on – with Jetstar’s highly anticipated and affordable direct service from Sydney to Ayers Rock (Uluru) just days away from take-off.

From 4 June, Australia’s favourite low fares carrier will fly between two of the nation’s most iconic landmarks - the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Ayers Rock (Uluru) - four times a week, with 1,400 weekly seats on offer to the Red Centre.

Jetstar Australia & New Zealand Chief Executive Officer David Hall said the airline’s low fares to one of the world’s top tourist sites will provide an opportunity for more Australian families and international visitors to travel to the destination.

“This incredible world heritage site is now that much more accessible because of our affordable fares. Australian families wanting an amazing adventure that provides culture, heritage and relaxation for an extremely affordable price now have a compelling new contender without the need to pack the passport,” Mr Hall said.

Managing Director at Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia, Koos Klein said, "Uluru is one of the nation's top leisure destinations, and the total rejuvenation of the Resort over the last two years means that the experience for guests has never been better. A suite of daily free Indigenous Guest Experiences, new dining options and tours all add to spectacular location.

“Welcoming Jetstar to Ayers Rock will add to our opportunities for more leisure travel business, which is good news for us all.”

Northern Territory Minister of Tourism and Major Events, Matt Conlan said, "I am proud to welcome Jetstar Airways to Uluru. Jetstar is a tremendous airline and the territory looks forward to additional growth opportunities from the holiday leisure market that Jetstar will offer with its affordable fares and in turn bolster local tourism jobs,” said Minister Conlan.

The first flight to touch down at Ayers Rock (Uluru) on 4 June will be welcomed by a traditional Aboriginal Inma on the tarmac. Flights will operate every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday and be operated by a 180 seat Airbus A320.

To celebrate flights are on sale from Sydney to Ayers Rock, $129** from midnight, Monday June 3rd until Wednesday 5 June 2013, 11.59pm (AEST). Sale fares are valid for travel between 18 August 2013 and 19 September 2013; between 17 October 2013 and 12 December 2013 and between 14 January 2014 and 27 March 2014. To book visit

*Flights between Sydney and Ayres Rock (Uluru) commence 4 June 2013 subject to government and regulatory approval.

**Fares are one-way, checked baggage not included. You can choose from 15kg to 40kg checked baggage for an additional $16.50-$45.00. Sale fares not available on all flights or days and conditions apply.

ABOUT JETSTAR AIRWAYS Jetstar Australia and New Zealand (subsidiary of the Qantas Group) is currently the third largest domestic Australian airline (by market share) and fifth largest international airline (by capacity share) serving international routes to-and-from Australia. Jetstar operates both international and domestic services in New Zealand and is the country’s second-largest airline, representing around 20 per cent of the domestic market share.

ABOUT VOYAGES INDIGENOUS TOURISM AUSTRALIA Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) and manages tourism and resorts on its behalf. Voyages offers unique experiences and cultural immersion in spectacular locations around Australia including Ayers Rock Resort and Longitude 131° in the Northern Territory, Home Valley Station in The Kimberley in Western Australia and the Mossman Gorge Centre, in Tropical North Queensland. One of the key responsibilities of Voyages is to promote and sustain eco tourism, protecting pristine sites for many years to come. Voyages works collaboratively with local communities to assist them to exercise sustainable environmental tourism practices, respecting and supporting the local Indigenous cultures and offering employment and training opportunities to the local and broader Australian and Torres-Strait Islander Indigenous communities Profits from all business activities are re-invested in the Indigenous and resort experiences and through the various training and development programs in place around Australia.

捷星航空開通直飛烏魯魯航線 澳洲自然文化雙遺產「高貴不貴」

從二零一三年六月四日起深受遊客喜愛的低成本航空公司---捷星航空 (Jet Star)開通了從悉尼到澳大利亞烏魯魯的直飛航線,將這兩個最具地標意義的地方悉尼歌劇院和烏魯魯無縫連結。捷星每週四次航班為澳洲中心的烏魯魯地區輸送一千四百位遊客。

捷星航空澳大利亞及新西蘭地區首席執行官David Hall先生表示,捷星開通悉尼至烏魯魯低價直飛,將會讓更多的澳大利亞家庭以及國際遊客前往這個世界上最熱門的旅遊目的地。

「這個非凡傑出的世界遺產地因為捷星的平民化價格而變得比以往更容易親近。澳大利亞的家庭和國際遊客期待一種結合了當地文化、自然遺產以及旅遊休閒為一體的令人難忘的探險歷程,這樣的期待由於捷星航空極為平民化的價格而有了可以實現的理由。」David Hall先生說。

澳洲旅行度假集團的執行總經理石東瑞(Ray Stone)先生說:「烏魯魯是澳大利亞最熱門的旅行休閒遊目的地之一,在過去兩年裡這一名勝的全面翻修以及原住民元素復興,意味着遊客的體驗在現在是最好的。每天免費的原住民活動,全新的用餐選擇以及旅遊線路都將提升客人在烏魯魯無與倫比的各種體驗。」


北領地政府旅遊及大型活動部長Matt Conlan先生說, 「我很自豪地歡迎捷星航空來到烏魯魯。捷星航空是一家出色的航空公司,北領地州非常期待捷星航空以平民化的價格為假日休閒遊市場提供更多增長機會,並且因此能夠促進當地旅遊業的就業。」

據悉,為凸顯捷星低成本航空的價格優勢,捷星航空的網站在六月初特別推出了澳幣一百二十九元悉尼飛烏魯魯的特別折扣價,促銷力度相當大;而烏魯魯艾爾斯岩度假村也配合此活動,在官網 上推出了澳幣二百四十九元人/晚的折扣價格入住沙漠風帆五星級酒店,包含免費的機場接送和原住民活動,讓世界自然文化雙遺產的烏魯魯不再高高在上;入住三晚還可以享受每日免費的自助早餐!





澳洲旅行度假集團(Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia)是由澳大利亞原住民土地公司擁有,代表他們經營旅遊和度假村業務的集團。集團肩負強大的社會責任,經營所得的利潤均用於支持澳大利亞原住民土地公司的所有活動。 澳洲旅行度假集團提供在壯觀原野地區以體驗旅遊為主的度假村住宿, 包括在澳大利亞的紅土中心的烏魯魯艾爾斯岩度假村和東經131°,在西澳大利亞金伯利地區的家穀牧場以及北昆士蘭的莫斯曼峽谷遊客中心。


烏魯魯:位於澳大利亞中部沙漠的烏魯魯又名艾爾斯岩,是一個擁有五億年歷史的紅色巨型岩石,矗立在紅土中心的廣闊沙漠裡,並集世界自然與文化遺產雙重桂冠於一身。它是世界上最大的一塊單體岩石,周長九公里,絕對高度超過八百米,裸露在地面的約三百四十八米。烏魯魯巨石會隨着光線的變化而呈現不同的紅色,以「大、奇、美」著稱於世;守護烏魯魯的澳大利亞原住民安納古人還保留著傳統的生活方式, 護衛著他們賴以生存的這片土地。作為澳大利亞最著名的自然和人文地標,烏魯魯多次榮膺人生必遊的世界五十個地方之一,它一直是各國遊客心中的旅遊勝地。

澳洲烏魯魯艾爾斯岩度假村是在澳大利亞中部烏魯魯卡塔丘塔地區唯一的酒店提供商。無論你是經濟型的背包遊客,還是奢華型的享樂者;無論你是獨自旅行,還是與家人朋友一起,度假村的五種不同類型的酒店總可以滿足你。酒店類型包括五星級的沙漠風帆酒店、四星級的沙漠花園酒店、家庭套房類的鴯鶓高級公寓、適合背包客入住的內陸先驅者酒店和青年旅館、還有各種露營場地。最特別的,度假村裡還有一個超五星級的東經131頂級奢華帳篷酒店,打開窗讓你和世界上最大最神奇的變色大岩石面對面! 烏魯魯艾爾斯岩度假村是由澳大利亞原住民土地委員會擁有(Indigenous Land Cooperation),並由澳洲旅行度假集團Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia 進行管理。

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