Jinnah-Perrier Hockey Tournament
Jinnah-Perrier Hockey Tournament
Dr. Ahmad Balad, Consul General of Pakistan in Hong Kong (left 2) and Mr. Sarinder Dillon, President of Hong Kong Hockey Association (right) have a group photo with the co-sponsors.
China and Pakistan both enjoyed the good neighbourhood relationship. To commemorate the 60th anniversary of China-Pakistan diplomatic relations, the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is going to organize the “Jinnah-Perrier Hockey Tournament”. The aim of this tournament is to build strong relationship between Pakistan and Hong Kong. National Bank of Pakistan, Hong Kong-Pakistan Association of Hong Kong, Pakistan Traders Association of Hong Kong and Cyber Communication Ltd. as co-sponsors for this tournament.
The leaders of the Hong Kong Hockey Association
中國與巴基斯坦是友好鄰邦,今年是兩國建交六十周年,為此,巴基斯坦駐香港總領事館聯同香港曲棍球總會舉辦「真納曲棍球錦標賽」以示慶祝,並藉此活動促進巴基斯坦與香港的友誼。該項錦標賽得到巴基斯坦國家銀行、香港巴基斯坦協會、巴基斯坦商會及Cyber Communication Ltd. 的支持和贊助。
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