Meeting with French vineyard talent
Meeting with French vineyard talent
About twenty French wine and spirits professionals, together with UBIFRANCE, will be on hand in Taiwan and Japan from May 13th to 16th, 2013. This initial approach into the North-Asian market will consist of information seminars as well as wine tasting sessions reserved to professionals.
Organized by UBIFRANCE in partnership with the Wines & Spirits CCI (Chambers of Commerce and Industry) Club, the operation aims at facilitating business opportunities between French businesses and local professionals in the sector.
There will be precisely 22 French wine and spirits professionals taking part in those meetings, demonstrating their determination to appeal to Asian consumers. Most of them hail from South-Western France (Aquitaine and Midi-Pyrénées Regions), as well as a representative from the Pays de la Loire Region.
The tour will begin on Monday May 13th in Taipei. The morning will be devoted to an introduction to Taiwan’s wine market for the benefit of the French companies. As for the afternoon, it will highlight French wine through a wine tasting session organized for the main Taiwanese players. The session will take place at the Grand Victoria Hotel. A full list of French exhibitors is available upon request from the Ubifrance Office in Taiwan.
In 2012, total wine imports (all categories) reached 168,330 hectoliters, worth in excess of €101m, up 13.7% in value.
The 6% drop in volume seen in 2012 was a result of an increase in the average price of imported wine, which in just one year rose from €4.98 to €6.02 (an inflation for imported wine at almost 21%).
In 2012, spirits imports stood at €346m, up over 6.5% as compared to 2011.
UBIFRANCE, the French agency for international business development, comes under the aegis of France’s Ministry for Economy and Finance and that of the Ministry for Foreign Trade. UBIFRANCE lies at the heart of France’s public-sector export-support framework.
With 80 offices in 60 countries, UBIFRANCE offers a comprehensive range of products and services aimed at accompanying French-based companies in their development on export markets.
About the Wines & Spirits Club :
Founded in 1988 at the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Libourne (Aquitaine), the Wines & Spirits Club is an informal association bringing together Foreign Trade Managers from the Chambers of Commerce and Industry located in wine-producing areas.
Bureau UBIFRANCE à Taiwan
Tél: +886 2 2757 7080
法國在台協會商務處(UBIFRANCE Taiwan)及UBIFRANCE日本辦事處將於今年五月十三至十六日伴隨二十多名法國葡萄酒和烈酒專家,在台灣和日本與當地的業內人士會面。這些法國酒業人士初次到達北亞洲參與訊息研討會及為業內人士舉辦試酒會。
這個交流活動是由UBIFRANCE及le Club des CCI Vins & Spiritueux聯合組織舉辦。其目的在於促進法國企業及當地專業人士之間的商業機會。
二十二名專業人士將參與這些會面,顯示他們對征服亞洲消費者的決心。他們多數來自法國西南部:阿基坦地區 (Aquitaine) 及比利牛斯山省 (Midi-Pyrénées),其中一名參加者來自盧瓦河 (Pays de la Loire)。
此巡迴活動在五月十三日 (星期一) 在台北開始。當天早上,參加者將出席一個介紹台灣葡萄酒市場的講座,下午則是為台灣主要業內人士舉辦的試酒會。活動將於維多利亞酒店 (Grand Victoria) 舉行。法國在台協會商務處可為您提供參加者名單。
在二零一二年,葡萄酒在台灣的進口總量 (所有類別的總和) 上升至168330百升,總值超過一億一百萬歐元,上升百分之十三二點七。
同年內,進口的葡萄酒總量下降了百分之六,這是因為葡萄酒的平均價格在一年內由四點九八歐元上升至六黠零二歐元 (所進口的葡萄酒的價格通漲率達百分之二十一)。
有關Club Vins et Spiritueux :
Le Club Vins et Spiritueux在一九八八年由位於阿基坦地區的利布爾訥 (Libourne) 工商總會所創立。這是一個非官方的機構,匯集了所有位於葡萄酒產區,負責對外貿易的決策者。
(UBIFRANCE – Taipei Office)
電話:+886 2 2757 7080
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