www.BetAdvisor.com首個符合ISO 9001標準的體育博彩平臺 網站在2010年2月推出,是首個在歐洲為體育博彩預測而設的平臺。涵蓋的體育運動包括足球、賽馬、欖球、網球及籃球,亦有美式足球及冰上曲棍球。專業分析師提供了賽前預測及現場投注會議。他們的預測、賽果及表現是經過第三方機構例如及RacingProofing.com等驗證。 藉着它的演算法,消息透明度和優秀的客戶服務,在2010年4月獲得了ISO 9001認證資格。這是世界上首個為博彩預算而設的網站。因此,BetAdvisor是市場上最能信賴和透明度最高的博彩網站,其目的是追求完美的表現及保持顧客的信心度。
「我們忠於公司對質量的要求,並會非常小心地處理為客戶的投注策略而提供的諮詢。除了發佈來自世界各地頂級的預測者的消息外,我們亦會時刻力求為客戶提供最優質的服務,保證它一星期七天都能為顧客效勞,並保證服務能回應顧客的需求。例如,顧客可以通過我們的『聊天』界面,直接向我們詢問有關賭注的意見,或選擇預測者。」Guillaume Pernette, 網站的營運總監說。
「此外,我們的策略以創新為主,這使我們將服務應用在移動平臺方面。客戶可在2011年2月開始,通過任何一款智能電話享用我們的服務,這可讓賭博者在投注時更加活躍。」Guillaume Pernette補充。
- 通過手機短信或電子郵件收取實時賭注:這就像股市一樣,作出選擇的速度是尤其重要的,因為交易率 (這裡指股票指數) 可以迅速變化。因此,接收信息的速度是對您長遠在賭博中賺取利潤的一個重要因素。
- 當BetAdvisor專業的預測者作出預測的一刻,客戶的手機就能馬上收取這資料。對於在比賽中發表 (現場投注) 的貼士,此功能可將通訊失誤降低至一秒之下。
- 客戶們可在任何時候保留訂閱:如不能在特定時期押注 (如假日,缺乏互聯網連接的時候等),BetAdvisor可在最多一年內保留您的訂閱。
- 免費轉換客戶消息提供者:任何訂閱超過一個月的客戶都可每個月免費轉換一次消息提供者。亦可在一年訂閱內選擇十二種不同的消息提供者。
- 根據客戶跟隨的預測者,評價和發佈個人的意見。
- 監測客戶的表現:根據客戶對消息提供者的選擇,BetAdvisor為客戶所得到的利潤,提供非常精確的模擬。
BetAdvisor提供的七天免費試用套裝包括完整的服務及所有功能。 the first certified sales platform
for sports betting to obtain the ISO 9001 standard was launched in February 2010 and is the first European platform for the distribution of sports predictions. The sports covered include football, horse racing, rugby, tennis and basketball, as well as American football and ice hockey. Professional analysts offer pre-match predictions, and also live-betting sessions. The predictions and their results as well as their performance are verified by third-party organisations such as and received ISO 9001 certification in April 2010 for its algorithms, the transparency of the information and its customer service. This was a world first for a sports predictions website. BetAdvisor is thus the most trustworthy and transparent market player, its objectives being Performance & Confidence.
“Faithful to our quality requirements, we take great care in advising our customers on their betting strategy. Besides publishing the information originating from the top tipsters worldwide, we guarantee our customer service, which is available 7 days, responsive and competent. For instance, our customers can contact us directly via our “chat” interface to request instant advice on a bet or on choosing a tipster,” comments Guillaume Pernette, Director of Operations at
“Furthermore, our strategy, centred on innovation, has led us to apply our service to mobile platforms. Our service will be accessible from any kind of smart-phone as of February 2011 which will allow bettors to be even more reactive in placing their bets,” adds Guillaume Pernette.
The BetAdvisor service offers unique functionalities:
- Reception of picks in real time on your cell phone by SMS or by email: as with the stock market, the speed with which you can make your choice is crucial, since the trading rate (here, the share index) can vary rapidly. The speed of reception of your information for betting is therefore a key element for your profit over the long term.
- The instant that one of our professional tipsters places his prediction, you will receive it on your phone. For tips published on matches in play (Live betting), this lapse in communication is reduced to under a second.
- You may place your subscription on hold at any time: if you are unable to bet for a given period (holidays, lack of internet connection etc), BetAdvisor offers you the possibility to put your subscription on hold for a maximum duration of 1 year.
- Change your tipster for free: any subscription of over 1 month gives you the right to change your tipster for free once a month. You may therefore try up to 12 different tipsters in the course of a 1-year subscription.
- Evaluate and publish your opinions on the tipsters you are following.
- Monitoring of your performances: according to your choice of tipsters, we provide you with very precise simulations regarding the profits that you have made thanks to the tipsters you subscribed to.
The full service and all of its functionalities are provided in our 7-day free trial offer.