Leisure and Tourism Link

Prime beach front location at the quiet north end of the world famous Patong Beach within close proximity of the busiest eateries, shops and bars. The resort's 123 rooms and suites have a feel which exudes modern playfulness and funky vibes mixed with Feng Shui color schemes. It offers spectacular sunset views from its 198 lobby bar which overlooks the white sandy beach and sparkling turquoise waters of the Andaman Sea. In addition, free Wi-Fi internet access is provided throughout the resort’s guest rooms and public areas, just 40 minutes south of Phuket International Airport. ......> Read More

Mercure Krabi Deevana, a hotel close to Krabi’s beautiful islands and beachesMercure Krabi Deevana喀比勝景近在咫尺

Mercure Krabi Deevana offers chic accommodation in contemporary low-rise buildings located a short distance from Ao Nang Beach. With 213 stylish rooms and suites, each with a private balcony, guests can enjoy the resort’s excellent facilities and benefit from gracious and personalized service from the welcoming Mercure team. The brand new resort features an exceptional restaurant and bars, three large outdoor swimming pools, a kid’s pool, a restful and rejuvenating spa, and outstanding meetings and events facilities. ......> Read More

2014 AugustWarszawa - Semper Invicta華沙 堅強的城市


華沙(Warsaw),波蘭語是Warszawa,是波蘭的首都,也是外地遊客到訪波蘭的主要入境地。華沙市區的面積約五百二十平方公里,而華沙地區則為四千二百三十平方公里,整個地區的人口約二百七十萬。現今的華沙市分新城區與舊城區。新城區現代建築物林立,市內交通車水馬龍,甚有國際商業城市的風範。相反,舊城區則顯得富麗具氣派,休閒舒適,,是遊客必訪之地。 ......> Read More


WAKATOBI National Marine Park: the "Underwater Nirvana"

印尼WAKATOBI國家海洋公園 海底生態 美景醉人

Legendary underwater explorer and conservationist, Jacques Cousteau is said to have called the Wakatobi islands – then known as the Tukangbesi islands: an "Underwater Nirwana"

Now a National Marine Park covering the entire Waktobi District, it comprises a total of 1.4 million hectares, of which 900,000 hectares are decorated with different, colourful species of tropical coral reefs. For Wakatobi is widely recognized as having the highest number of reef and fish species in the world. The islands are also famous as the largest barrier reef in Indonesia, second only to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Here can be found fringing, atolls and barrier reefs and offer more than 50 spectacular dive sites easily accessible from the major islands. This is the habitat of large and small fish species, the playground of dolphins, turtles and even whales. ......> Read More

2013 Dec

VIE HOTEL BANGKOK, Both Remarkable and Unique for its Style and DécorVIE HOTEL BANGKOK 具獨特品味酒店

Perfectly positioned at the heart of the dynamic Bangkok cityscape, VIE Hotel Bangkok with its energy, character and charisma is the perfect illustration of life in this modern city.

With its striking architecture, VIE Hotel Bangkok offers guests panoramic views of the stunning Bangkok skyline from all angles. Its prime location next to the Rachathewi BTS Skytrain station puts it in close proximity of the Silom and Sukhumvit business districts, while the major shopping and entertainment complexes of MBK, Platinum, Central World and Siam Paragon can easily be reached on foot or via Skytrain. And with the airport rail link connection, VIE Hotel Bangkok is only 30 minutes away from Suvarnabhumi International airport. ......> Read More

Taiwan Tourism Liveried Aircraft Celebrates “Time for Taiwan” 全球獨一無二台灣觀光彩繪機 將執飛香港航線

The “Taiwan Tourism Liveried Aircraft,” the result of a partnership between China Airlines and Taiwan’s Tourism Bureau, made its inaugural flight today (November 13) from Taipei Songshan Airport to Haneda Airport in Tokyo, and will carry the message of Taiwan's tourism developments high above the clouds.. The liveried aircraft is the only one of its kind in the world, and portrays with creative flair themes of LOHAS, ecology, romance, cuisine, shopping, culture and other features of Taiwan tourism. The plane is sure to attract the attention of global travelers throughout China Airlines’ extensive network, helping to raise Taiwan’s profile as a major tourism destination. ......> Read More

Novotel Beijing Xinqiao is located in the heart of the city 北京新橋飯店 位居黃金旺地

Discover the heart of the city and the cultural richness of Beijing on the hotel’s door step

Location in the heart of the city.

Walking distance is Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City

Highly popular shopping strips of Wang Fu Jing, with the Pearl and Silk markets.

Modern and comfortable place to relax in.

Complimentary high speed WiFi whole hotel. iMac web corner. 24/7 dining

24-Hours fitness facilities.

Hot Spring Water supplied to its rooms, Food & Beverage outlets and spa.

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Enjoy a Unique Travel Experience in Queensland, Australia

澳大利亞昆士蘭 旅遊景點樂繽紛


昆士蘭位於澳大利亞東北部,是該國面積第二大和人口第三眾多的州份。昆士蘭全年陽光充沛,素有「陽光之州」之稱。黃金海岸、陽光海岸、費沙島、聖靈群島、大堡礁等都是昆士蘭的著名旅遊景點,而大堡礁以及境內六處自然保護區,包括亞熱帶雨林地區Cape Tribulation、昆士蘭最高峰Bartle Frere、Bellenden Ker國家公園、Atherton Tableland湖泊區、還有Barron、Mossman以及TullyGorges等均列入世界遺產。 ......> Read More

2013 Nov

Ha Long Bay – National Landscape Monument of Vietnam

下龍灣 – 越南自然旅遊資源瑰寶


下龍灣位於越南廣寧省下龍市,面積約一千五百五十平方公里,而海岸線長達一百二十公里,屬北部灣的一部份。在下龍灣地區,約有一千九百六十多個石灰岩島嶼,各自不同形態,是越南自然旅遊資源瑰寶,享譽全球。聯合國教科文組織於一九九四年和二零零零年,把下龍灣列入「世界自然遺產」,而當地亦是目前越南最受國際遊客歡迎的旅遊目的地。 ......> Read More

Shopping at Johor Bahru

旅遊新山市 盡享購物樂

Johor Premium Qutlets 不單是大型購物區,更是消閒的好去處。

馬來西亞新山市(Johor Bahru)位於馬來西亞半島南端,與新加坡咫尺之遙,是柔佛州的首府。柔佛新山市建市於一九九四年,所以是一新興城市。該地區原是一個鎮,並以發展農業和工業為主,但近十年來,經濟發展蓬勃,並逐漸成為馬來西亞的熱門旅遊目的地之一。 ......> Read More

Visit Malaysia to know “1 Malaysia”

訪馬來西亞 體驗「一個馬來西亞」

<馬來西亞總理納吉布( 中) 親臨參加在馬六甲漢都亞體育場舉行的「2013 全國開齋節門戶開放」慶典。

眾所周知,馬來西亞民族是由亞洲三大主要民族,馬來人、華人、印度人以及一些少數民族所組成,因此馬來西亞是一個多元民族、多元宗教信仰的國度。自該國獨立以來,各民族相互尊重彼此的文化、傳統風俗習慣和宗教信仰,彼此和睦相處、社會和諧。今年馬來西亞獨立日,有一家機構在報章刊登祝賀廣告,其內容甚為生動,字句雖簡約,但能充份道出馬來西亞的特徵。「我們是獨一無二的。早在文化融合的概念成為風尚以前,我們已將之生活化。我們發現獨樂樂不如眾樂樂。」「只有我們才能聽懂自已的笑話。我們擁有多元化風格,因為我們懂得融會貫通。」我們的生活是不能沒有椰漿飯,印度薄餅或雜飯。」「所有的語言都包含了我們的特色,每個人都聽得懂。」「我們習慣加插『啦』在日常用語,衍生出屬於本土化的英語。」「我們接受國外文化的同時,也保留本土特色。」最後概括的一句是:「我們獨樹一幟,也為此而感到驕傲。」 ......> Read More

HANOI – A City Bursting With Character

河內 千年古城 永葆青春



作為越南的首都,河內是集政治、經濟、文化之重城。由於越南曾受法國殖民統治,所以不難發現河內是一座融合東方傳統與法式風情的城市。現今的河內既看到數不清的摩托車在街道縱橫奔馳的動感一面,也可看到大街小巷無數的小攤檔坐滿品嚐咖啡或香茶的人群在享受休閒的生活。這座逾千年歷史的古城,憑着其悠久歷史、豐厚文化、舒適氣候、地道美食,吸引國際遊客一訪再訪。 ......> Read More

Pullman Hanoi announces its Grand Opening


Mr. Pieter de Weerd, General Manager

Pullman Hanoi announces its Grand Opening in September as one of the city’s trendiest and most stylish accommodations for upscale travellers visiting Hanoi. With its new facilities and services true to the Pullman brand, the hotel offers modern “bleisure” travellers (business + leisure) the best place to work, play, and stay. ......> Read More

Mercure Hanoi La Gare – Local Character with Modern Comforts

Mercure Hanoi La Gare酒店 融匯法越風情 親切舒適

Mercure Hanoi La Gare is a modern mid-scale hotel that is reflective of Hanoi’s history and culture. Characterized by its contemporary design and central location – the hotel is perfectly located adjacent to the historic Hanoi railway station and just a short walk from the ancient Old Quarter. The facade of the hotel preserves the sites original architecture – while the images of the train station can be seen throughout the hotel. ......> Read More

Jeju – World Natural Heritage

濟州 世界自然遺產



二零一一年,韓國的濟州島獲選為「新世界七大奇景」,該島擁有島嶼、火山、瀑布、沙灘、國立公園、洞窟、森林等各種自然地形,而全島玄武岩的覆蓋面積達百分之九十以上,是世界著名的火山島。現時在島上棲息着寒帶、熱帶等豐富多樣的動物種類,其中有七十七種哺乳動物、一百九十八種鳥類、八種爬行動物和兩棲動物,八百七十三種昆蟲和七十四種蜘蛛。至於島上的漢拿山更共有二千零一種植物,包括亞熱帶、溫帶至寒帶的垂直植物。因此,濟州島被聯合國教科文組織指定為自然生態保護區、世界自然遺產以及世界地質公園認證。 ......> Read More

2013 July

China Airlines Launches Hong Kong-Tainan Flights

China Airlines launched the Hong Kong- Tainan route on July 18, becoming the first airline to fly from Hong Kong to Tainan, providing regular international flights from Tainan airport. China Airlines will offer the service on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday with its Boeing 737-800 aircraft, which seats 158 passengers. To celebrate the inaugural flight from Hong Kong to Tainan, China Airlines offered passengers mango pomelo sago and almond jelly. All passengers on the first flight received a limited edition China Airlines plum blossom mug. In additional, Representatives of Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) welcomed visitors of the inaugural flight at the airport, and presented them with the newly launched "Discover Hong Kong Tourist SIM Card” package as souvenirs since Taiwan is among Hong Kong’s most important visitor source markets. The "Discover Hong Kong" Wi-Fi Tourist SIM Card from the Hong Kong Tourism Board, which is valued at NT$270 and can be used in Hong Kong. ......>Read More

2013 June

Pierre & Vacances has unveiled “Villages Nature” a new sustainable resort concept in FrancePierre & Vacances Center Parcs Group has recently announced the Villages Nature project at a press conference held in Hong Kong. Villages Nature is a joint project led by two key players in European tourism, Pierre & Vacances and Euro Disney, their new concept of a vacation destination based on the search for harmony between Man and Nature. The destination would be, in its design and in its operations, a unique model of sustainable development for tourism on a European scale. The site is located only 10 minutes from Disneyland® Paris and 40 minutes from the city centre of Paris, the world’s most visited city with over 32 million tourists per year. ......>Read More

Jetstar wings its way to Uluru

- The new service will offer 1,400 low fare seats to the Red Centre each week.

- Jetstar aims to expand the leisure market to one of the world’s unique destinations.

- Ayers Rock (Uluru) becomes Jetstar’s 19th domestic port and 61st destination across Asia Pacific.

The countdown is officially on – with Jetstar’s highly anticipated and affordable direct service from Sydney to Ayers Rock (Uluru) just days away from take-off. ......>Read More

International Garden Exposition Sunchoen Bay Korea 2013 – "Garden of the Earth"

Jeollanam -do is a province located on the southwestern end of the Korean peninsula, and it is comprised of 22 cities (city and county). It is the place of hospitality where people live in harmony with the blessed nature characterized by its mild climate, wide plains, and over 2,000 islands that lay along the beautiful coast line, and it has been referred to as the "Spiritual Home of Korea People".

Suncheon City is a city of Jeollanam-do and its Suncheon bay is one of the top 5 coastal wetlands , countless plants and animals thrive on the 22.6 Km² of mudflats and reed fields and migratory birds come to rest their weary wings. The venue of the “International Garden Exposition Sunchoen Bay Korea 2013" at the Pungdeok-dong and Ocheon-dong areas of the city of Suncheon, Suncheon bay from April 20 to October 20, 2013. ......>Read More

World Traditional Medicine Fair & Festival in Sancheong , Korea 2013 – " Beyond integration: reflection on Asian medicines in the 21st century"

Sancheong is a beautiful place and well-known on its hundred years old trees, the purest mountain water, and a sky as blue robin's egg. Heo Jun, a very famous Korean traditional medical doctor, the chief writer of Donguibogam was born in Sancheong. Donguibogam, the first public health medical book that has been registered for the UNESCO's Memory of the World Program in 2009. ......>Read More

2013 February




二零一三年情人節,昆士蘭旅遊及活動推廣局大中華區局長潘文女士(Grace Pan)向天下有情人特別推薦幾處昆士蘭最浪漫求婚地點。 ......>Read More



二月九日除夕夜,凱恩斯海濱大道的福格蒂公園(Fogarty Park)將開啟新年慶典活動。持續五個小時的現場活動包括舞龍舞獅,民族舞蹈,音樂,武術,京劇臉譜繪畫,書法,自繪燈籠和其他文化活動。還有更多文化展示,街邊攤位和美食等著你!


如果你是文體愛好者,不妨前去布裏斯班觀看亞太當代藝術三年展或是前往黃金海岸觀摩Volvik女子高爾夫大師賽,再者還可去昆士蘭賽馬嘉年華一湊熱鬧。 ......>Read More

Let’s Relax opens new branch in Koh Samui

Let’s Relax Day Spa, managed by Siam Wellness Group, opened its new branch in Koh Samui, a popular destination on the East Coast of the Southern part of Thailand.

The new Let’s Relax Spa, which is located adjacent to the Big C Shopping Center, will be the sixth branch of Let’s Relax Spa Chain. The new branch will be near Bo Phut area with over 20 treatment rooms with single and double rooms and private suites covering over 1,000 square meters. ......>Read More

Buenos Aires, on the banks of the Río de la Plate is a global, open hearted metropolis, a place where tango, literature, good food, shopping, music, films, theatre, football, and nightlife converge. A concoction of European-style appeal and Latin feeling, the Queen of the Río de la Plate has everything to offer the tourist. You can learn how to tango, which, developed by immigrants over a century ago, is the purest expression of the melancholy felt by these people as they lived in the shadow of the ships that had brought them from Europe. ......>Read More

The introduction of a suite of free Indigenous Guest Experiences and a premium under the stars dining experience, together with a $38 million refurbishment, has revitalised the tourist experience at Ayers Rock Resort. The Resort is also celebrating success of its National Indigenous Training academy and a significant increase in Indigenous employment. The Free Indigenous Guest Experiences take place in an area that is central to all of the hotels at Ayers Rock Resort ......>Read More

Plaza Premium Lounge Opens with a New Face at Kuala Lumpur International Airport

The world leader of airport lounge services Plaza Premium Lounge unveils its latest outpost, Plaza Premium Lounge at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Malaysia.Located at C11 of the Satellite Building, the fourth generation airport lounge introduces business travelers and leisure travelers alike to a new set of standards for airport services. Gone are the days where a lounge wait is bare minimum comfort, today it’s a five-star experience with luxury offerings such as spacious sofa seating, marbled floors, VIP-room, crystal chandeliers and considered F&B selections – it’s also opened 24 hours. ......>Read More