China Plastic City
China Plastic City – An Important Trading Center of Plastics in the world
中國塑膠城 – 世界塑膠產業舉足輕重的貿易中心
二十世紀80年代,在餘姚自發誕生了塑膠原料一條街,隨着規模的日益擴張,塑膠原料一條街在一九九四年正式更名為中國塑膠城 ,並迅速發展成為全球塑膠領域內舉足輕重的貿易中心。
除了有形市場龐大傳統的貿易規模,中國塑膠城更極具前瞻性地搭建了遍及全球的電子商務平台 – 浙江塑膠城網上交易市場,在全球首創了以中塑倉單為核心的交易模式,為塑膠生產、經營、加工企業提供公開、公平、安全、便捷的交易服務和物流服務,成為國內塑膠電子商務第一品牌和商務部重點宣傳推廣品牌。二零零六年十一月五日,由浙江塑膠城網上交易市場、浙江大學等聯合編制的中國塑膠價格指數在余姚正式啟用。二零零七年七月十一日,新華社開始即時發佈中塑指數,這標誌着該指數已被中國頂級的諮詢機構所採用,成為中國塑膠行情的「風向標」。
此外,塑膠城還孕育了各類專業展會。由中國石油和化學工業協會、中國石油天然氣股份有限公司、中國石油化工股份有限公司、中國中化集團公司、中國輕工業聯合會、浙江省餘姚市人民政府聯合主辦,每年一度的中國塑膠博覽會是全國塑膠及相關行業中規模最大、規格最高的經貿盛會,也是世界上為數不多的專業性博覽會。歷屆塑膠博覽會都成為彙聚全球塑膠產業最新資訊的中心,成為中國塑膠業為世界塑膠業界做出貢獻的服務平臺。塑博會累計參會客商137萬人次,成交總額297億元,簽訂中外合資合作和外商投資項目近360個,外資總投資額近29億美元。除了做優塑博會品牌,中國塑膠城充份利用中塑國際會展中心的功能作用,積極引進先進會展理念,不斷加強會展基礎設施建設,全面提升會展服務功能,培育新的品牌展會。二零零九年成功舉辦了中國日用小家電博覽會、全國五金工具展、飛天壯歌 – 中國載人航太展、汽車服裝交易會等14個展會,有效促進了餘姚會展業的長足發展。
The 1980s, there were a street of shops dealing raw materials of plastics was emerging in Yuyao, which, with its rapid expansion, was named the "China Plastic City" in 1994. Since then, it has rapidly developed into an important trading center of plastics in the world.
The Plastic City lies in the north outskirts of the Yuyao City, with a planned area of 3.6 square kilometers. It is home to 1400 companies dealing over 10,000 items of plastic products. So far an aggregated quantity of 22 million tons of plastics has been traded in this area, with the trade volume reaching 22.5 billion yuan. It has become the largest plastic distribution center in China. The plastic city has won many honors and titles. It is listed among the top 50 special markets in terms of competitiveness in China and among the first group of key markets by the Ministry of Commerce.
With the growing of the market, the logistic and warehousing facilities are improving. The logistic companies with the Dongfang International Logistics Co as the core provide robust support for the market.
With the increase of the trading scale, the China Plastic City has set up an online platform for global trade named Zhejiang Plastic Online Market, on which an innovative stock trade is conducted. It provides fair, open and safe services for plastic producers, operators and dealers and has become the first brand of E-commerce of plastics and a key brand promoted by the MOC. On Nov 5, China Plastic Price Index was formulated by the Online Market and the Zhejiang University and available for plastic traders. From this day on, the index is released at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm everyday at 60 websites such as the China Plastic Net and Alibaba. The Xinhua News Agency started to release the index too on July 11, 2007. So the index has become the wind vane of the plastic market, which helps China gain more pricing power in the international market.
The China Plastic Online, a supporting web of the Plastic City, has become the most influential information platform of plastics. It releases information of prices and other markets on a daily basis. The daily page view volume reaches 300,000 and the aggregated PV volume has reached 86.4 million. With such a radiating effect, it has turned into a barometer of China’s plastic industry.
With the advantages in information, capital, networks, and personnel, the administrative committee of the Plastic City set up a plastic research institute in collaboration with a research institute under the China Ordnance Equipment Group Corporation on November 7, 2006. This signified a milestone towards the integration of research, production and marketing. The institute has six service centers, which form into a technical agency providing research, technical assistance and testing services for the plastic industry. In November 2009 the public service platform with the research institute as the core was approved as an innovative platform for plastic processing in Zhejiang. The setup of the institute signified a stride forward for the plastic city. It means it has grown from a single distribution market into a new market that spans everything, including independent research, development, production, information, testing, exhibition and marketing.
There are thousands of plastic companies in Yuyao and the neighboring areas, with the annual sales volume reaching 200-300 billion yuan. This huge industrial cluster poses great challenge to the government, such as how to improve services to make the industry even stronger. For this purpose, the high-profile China Plastic Expo is staged on a yearly basis. The Expo is cosponsored by China Petroleum and Chemical Association, PetroChina, SINOPEC Corp, Sinochem Corp, China Light Industry Federation and Yuyao People’s Government. It is the largest expo of plastics in China and also one of the few plastic expos in the world. The Yuyao Plastic Expo has become a source of latest information about the plastic industry and the best platform of the plastic industry of China and the world. A total of 1.37 people have attended the Yuyao Expo so far, with the transaction volume reaching 29.7 billion yuan. A total of 360 cooperative and investment projects have been signed, with the introduced overseas investment reaching 2.9 billion USD. The summit forums held on the Expo have provided prospective ideas for the sustainable development of the plastic industry. To make the Plastic Expo stronger, the Plastic City makes best use of the international exhibition center by introducing leading concepts, improving infrastructure and services and developing new brand exhibitions. In 2009 it hosted 14 exhibitions, such as the consumer goods fair, the hardware tool exhibition, the manned craft exhibition, automobile expo and fashion fair.
With the increase of strength the plastic city is pacing up in cooperating with outside. In 2007 and 2008 it established itself as the international base of plastic cooperation and set up a strategic cooperation alliance of China’s plastic industry. Now it plans to set up a branch market of plastics in China.
To become a center of plastic trade in the world is part of the functions of the Plastic City. It aims to forge a cluster of plastic industry through the strength buildup in the facilities of information, research, exhibition and logistics. It aims to keep developing and to be the pacesetter in the era of modified plastics.
According to the development program for 2006-2015, the Plastic City is to develop six functional zones, such as CBD area, conference and exhibition area, logistic and warehousing area, leisure and residence area, and plastic-related industrial zone. Its ultimate goal is to foster four functions of the international wholesale market of commodity distribution, information dissemination, finance settlement, price release, to turn the Plastic City into an international wholesale market of plastics, with functions of trade, exhibition, conference, info release, warehousing, distribution, freight, finance settlement, testing and certification related to plastic raw materials, auxiliary agents, plastic products, plastic machinery, molding technology, etc. Hopefully it can facilitate the shaping of a plastic industrial cluster and the growth of the local economy.
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